"Immense filmmaker", "tireless passer of memory": homage to Claude Lanzmann


The World of Cinema

Serge Moati, Director: "I thought he was immortal, his work is, I think of Shoah, of course, he was able to look first, this fighter on camera , death in front A monument A terrible masterpiece Farewell to the hero. "

Gilles Jacob, former president of the Cannes Film Festival :" Claude Lanzmann died out but the flame from her movie Shoah and what she awakens in contemporary memory will never go out. " (Twitter)

The Political World

Francoise Nyssen, Minister of Culture : "Claude Lanzmann imposed images against oblivion, Art against deniers, he was the Great Man who, with Shoah, helped to build our collective memory with accuracy. " (Twitter)

Benjamin Griveaux, spokesman for the government : "Revisiting Shoah, invaluable work of the immense Claude Lanzmann, tireless smuggler of memory." (Twitter)

Christophe Castaner, Secretary of State for Relations with the Parliament : "This is one of those works that have a lasting impact on you." This is one of the greatest films telling the horror of the Holocaust With all his humanity, Claude Lanzmann had managed to represent inhumanity. " (Twitter)

Laurent Wauquiez, President of the Republicans: "Claude Lanzmann left us but his work and the duty to remember remain.For thirty-three years ago, his film Shoah opened us the The best tribute we can pay him is to keep them open. " (Twitter)

Anne Hidalgo, Mayor of Paris: "A courageous, demanding and determined man, a real conscience who lifted the veil that overshadowed what he helped to name Shoah, Claude Lanzmann leaves us today at the age of 92 and I feel a deep sadness "(Twitter)

François Bayrou, president of the Modem :" 25 years ago, with Claude Lanzmann, first Auschwitz as Minister of Education, we have never met since without evoking this emotion, he lived for us the story of the Shoah, let the earth be light to him! "

Jack Lang, former Socialist Minister of Culture and National Education : "Claude Lanzmann will remain eternally in our minds: his pbadion, his constant enthusiasm, his power to shake up conservatisms, to sweep away skepticism were such that like a rock he held, loud and clear, his convictions and his had to share them. His word and his battles will inspire a long time. "

Manuel Valls, former Prime Minister :" I am so sad to hear the death of Claude Lanzmann, a dear friend, a unique personality, an incredible life – read again his Patagonian Hare – a significant work with Shoah that makes him enter the history of cinema, memory and the fight against anti-Semitism. "(Twitter)

Bernard-Henri Lévy, writer and philosopher : "He was a brave man. A huge filmmaker. And a good man. I do not forgive our scrambles. I cherish, like a treasure, the beautiful moments lived together. "(Twitter).

The Jewish Community

Haim Korsia, Chief Rabbi of France :" I pay homage to #ClaudeLanzmann, this incredible man who offered the world the word Shoah to say the unspeakable. "

Ariel Goldmann, President of the Foundation of French Judaism :" A giant leaves us. Claude Lanzmann marked the centuries and the history of the Jewish people with his works Shoah and Tsahal. He was a great man, a real Mensch (man) who did not compromise with the Truth! "(Twitter)

The Union of Jewish Students of France :" During his life, Claude Lanzmann inspired generations of activists by hot-fire battles. His work Shoah recorded the memory of the deportation and extermination of six million European Jews in European history. "

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