In Grenoble, Benoit Hamon takes out the claws and tackles Macron and EELV


BOURRE-PIFS IN SERIES – The founder of Génération · s delivered this Sunday a very vindictive speech closing the national convention of his young movement. He attacked in turn Emmanuel Macron's migration policy, EELV's refusal of alliance and closed his door to Jean-Luc Mélenchon.

– Claire Cambier

It is a Benoît Hamon very rebadembled who addressed this Sunday to its militants. During his closing speech to the national convention of his movement, the founder of Génération · sa first asked the 1500 participants to respect a minute of silence in memory of 34.361 men, women and children who died while trying to join the Europe, according to a count of Guardian . Faced with this sad fact, he lambasted at length "the withdrawal of identity" that is eating away at Europe. In his line of fire: Emmanuel Macron's migration policy.

"Are not we ashamed?"

"It is in these moments that I tell myself that our irreducible difference with Emmanuel Macron is that definitively, as Guy Debord wrote, we, unlike him, 'we do not want to work at the show of the end of the world, but at the end of the world of the show' ", he proceeded, before inviting him to follow the example and the courage of men of the left. "We wave the polls saying: 'But the French are mostly against the reception of Aquarius.' And so?" And to quote the example of the abolition of the death penalty: "How many other heads fell at the foot of the scaffold, if François Mitterrand and Robert Badinter had governed according to the polls and not their conscience?" [19659007] Benoit Hamon appealed to the "French" and "French": "Great people of the Revolution and the Resistance, home of Spanish Republicans and Vietnamese boat-people, did you, n Are we not ashamed? "

Throughout a combative speech of about an hour, Benoit Hamon dropped his blows against Emmanuel Macron. Because the migration policy of the president is not the only fracture with the thought of Generation · s. The "only thread" of the head of state is, according to him, "the insupportable contempt of the weakest, the poor, the illiterate, the sans-jackards, the 'nonsense'". Macronism is a "social racism", he said.

In the field of ecology, he also regretted that "Emmanuel Macron proclaims Make the planet great again and at the same time reduces aid to organic farming", mocking the pbadage of the favorite expression of his political rival

Finally he denounced his "cowardice" in front of his foreign counterparts: "To take for Louis XIV in a world so complex does not produce any effect." Faced with Salvini, he gives in. Faced with Putin, he gives way And I'm afraid that if at the Elysée we are very proud to communicate on the dog Nemo, Mr. Trump him, chose to call his pet Jupiter. "

But Emmanuel Macron not his only target. At a time when Génération is looking for a second wind and appears isolated on the political scene, the former presidential candidate has also been offensive against his former ecologist friends. Without naming him, he criticized his former ally in the presidential election, Yannick Jadot, whom he denounced "excommunications, for the purposes of inadmissibility, declarations of incompatibility of any kind". "We do not believe in identity withdrawal and even less in identity retreat on small chapels and small appliances," he said ironically, while EELV rejected Génération's proposals for a coalition in favor of Autonomous European Lists of 2019.

To better understand this virulence, we must go back. Less than a week ago, MEP EELV Yannick Jdot had clearly expressed his "desire" to be top of the list to Europeans. To our confreres of Liberation he had expressed his fears of an alliance with other parties: "This could only create confusion." Like a verbal ping-pong, it is Jadot who this time carried the blows and tapped on a Hamon "who zigzags to find his place on the left".

Despite this squabble of the words, the leader of Génération · s remains convinced that an ecological union remains possible in one way or another because "a list united to the European ones would place the political ecology in first opposition to Macron". After blasting "the litany of shameful strategies of tiny actors to delay the moment of this unity", he still said: "It will be, this unit."

Not a word, however, hand held by Jean-Luc Mélenchon. The day before, the leader of the Insoumis had proposed to him via Twitter an "ambitious dialogue to establish balance and prospects" and invited the deputy Régis Juanico – ex-socialist who joined Génération.s a week ago – to join the ranks from France Unworn in Parliament

Benoit Hamon preferred to let his right arm clarify things. Referring to the "convergences and divergences" between the two political parties, Guillaume Balas indicated, as reported Le Monde that Génération · s "has never been reluctant to consider France insubordinate as a partner against liberal policies but on Europe, the differences are not incidental. " The former Socialist MP Pascal Cherki had less restraint by resuming the usual criticism made to the Rogue: "We do not respond to the right-wing nationalism by left-wing nationalism."

Same story for the one who had been personally apostrophed, Regis Juanico. While emphasizing that "not being in the same group does not preclude mutual respect and ambitious dialogue," he said his "wish is to stay at the New Left group as a member of Generation · s ". What Benoît Hamon did not fail to emphasize in his speech

Claire Cambier

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