IN IMAGES, IN PICTURES. The July 14 parade opens a blue-white-red weekend


The French armies marched Saturday on the Champs-Elysees in front of President Emmanuel Macron and a large crowd, as tradition for the National Day, on the eve of the final of the World Cup that the Blues hope to win. 19659002] The sun, a parade of 14 July sumptuous despite small hiccups. Fireworks by the hundreds all over France. And Sunday, a final World Cup football that the Blues hope to win? And if this July 14 was illuminated clearly in blue-white-red?

Brigitte Macron on July 14, 2018 on the Champs-Elysees. | PHILIPPE WOJAZER – EPA / MAXPPP

Ceremony of July 14 on the Champs-Elysees. | IAN LANGSDON – EPA / MAXPPP

All behind the French team

Saturday, on the Champs-Elysees in Paris, the head of state Emmanuel Macon attended the festivities of July 14 with his government from the rostrum Official Place de la Concorde, after descending under a radiant sky the famous Parisian avenue standing aboard a "command car" manufactured in Saint-Nazaire, alongside his chief of staff of

Emmanuel Macron and General François Lecontre review the troops. | ERIC FEFERBERG – AFP

The Army tanks in position around the Arc de Triomphe. | GERARD JULIEN – AFP

Parade of July 14, 2018 on the Champs-Élysées. | ZAKARIA ABDELKAFI – AFP

Firefighters parade on July 14, 2018 on the Champs-Elysees. | GERARD JULIEN – AFP

Under a bright sun, thousands of curious summer outfits, shorts, T-shirt or floral dress attended the show, with small French flags distributed by the army. Among them, many tourists, such as this Vietnamese family. "We came because we heard that it was the best military parade in the world" told AFP Koi, 40, along with his wife Ngoc and their two sons. [19659012AnodtoSunday'smatchjustbeforejoiningtheprocessionPolytechniquestudentsmadeahappygroupphotowithalargebanner "all behind the team of France" who will face the Croatia Sunday in Moscow, in the final of the World Cup football.

The festivities of the weekend are held under surveillance with 110,000 police and gendarmes mobilized across the country. "Everything is done so that the French can live these moments of celebration in all serenity despite the context of threat that is still established at a high level" according to the Minister of the Interior Gérard Collomb.

12,000 members of the security forces mobilized in Paris

France lives under a constant threat since the beginning, in January 2015, of a wave of jihadist attacks, which left 246 dead. For the Paris metropolitan area alone, 12,000 members of the police force are on the bridge to secure the "fan zone" installed on the Champ-de-Mars, at the foot of the Eiffel Tower, where 90,000 spectators are expected

After US President Donald Trump last year, Singapore's Prime Minister Hsien Loong and Japanese Foreign Minister Taro Kono were this year's guests of honor at the July 14 parade. The flags of the two Asian countries opened the parade alongside the French emblem, escorted by seven soldiers of each nationality.

On July 14, a demonstration of strength

Yoshi and Mika, 35 years, a couple of Japanese honeymooners in Paris, were in the audience to attend this moment of "French Culture" but also to see the representatives of Japanese forces invited to the parade. [19659020] Above the troops, 64 planes pierced the Paris skies, including the Alphajets of the prestigious Patrouille de France, with three war wounded from the Special Forces on board. A small color error disrupted the spectacular blue-white-red trail: one of the nine Alphajets released a red, non-blue smoke as expected.

A small color error disrupted the spectacular blue-white trail. red of AlphaJet. | ZAKARIA ABDELKAFI – AFP

Another small quack: during a choreography mixing bikers and riders, a low-speed collision dropped two bikers of the gendarmerie, in front of the president who gave them a sorry smile.

A collision low speed has dropped two bikers of the gendarmerie | LUDOVIC MARIN – AFP

A total of 4,290 military personnel, 220 vehicles, 250 horses, 64 aircraft and 30 helicopters participated in the parade for nearly two hours. Among them, Spanish gendarmes, Belgian tanks and a A400M of the German Air Force.

The procession of July 14 is "a demonstration of controlled force" which exceeds the mere commemoration, said the chief of staff, General François Lecointre, in office for a year, after the departure of his predecessor General Pierre de Villiers, curtly reframed by Emmanuel Macron for criticizing the budget choices of the new President

The members of the GIPN. | CHARLES PLATIAU – REUTERS

The 11th Fire Brigade. | LUDOVIC MARIN – AFP

The Foreign Legion. | LUDOVIC MARIN – AFP

The Republican Guard. | LUDOVIC MARIN – AFP

A year later, the relationship between the president and his armies seems to have relaxed. The head of state on Friday promulgated the Military Planning Act 2019-2025, which provides for nearly 300 billion euros of defense credits cumulated to reach 2% of gross domestic product (GDP) within seven years, in accordance with repeated US requests to NATO allies.

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