In Nantes, anger and strong tensions after the death of a young man


The Breil neighborhood experienced a second night of violence on Wednesday. The prosecutor of the Republic of Nantes promised "a thorough investigation."

Tense tensions still shook the Breil district in Nantes, Wednesday, July 4 in the evening. At 9 pm, under the worried eyes of many people leaning on the windows of the buildings, several groups were facing the security forces, many of whom came to secure the area.

Twenty-four hours after the death of Aboubakar F. , a young man of 22 years old from the Val-d'Oise, settled for two years in this city of Nantes, anger rumbled again at the foot of the towers, where the ones and the others made again and again, the film of the events.

It is 8:30 pm, Tuesday, when a crew of six CRS crosses the Nissan rental route that leads Aboubakar F. and asks him to stop. The latter cuts off the engine and hands papers to the officials. The stage lasts long minutes. He does not have an identity document and comes under a false name. A CRS calls the police station for checks. It is then decided to lead the driver. It is at this moment that he "seems to have tried to escape this control by operating at a brisk pace a reverse" said Wednesday Pierre Sennès, the prosecutor of the Republic of Nantes

See also:
                In Nantes, anger and sorrow in the aftermath of a night of violence

In the maneuver, the Nissan collides with a Renault Megane parked nearby. One of the CRS followed its progress. His Sig Sauer in hand, he "positioned near the place of the driver" and fired "only once" according to Mr. Sennès. Aboubacar F. is touched on the neck. The shooting causes its "death in a short time" .

A call for witnesses

Did the policeman act in self-defense? On Tuesday evening, police sources reported a CRS wounded on the knees by the vehicle and mentioned the presence of children, who would have been "in danger" behind the Nissan. A version refuted by inhabitants witnesses of the scene which badure that nobody was on the way of the car.

"It was a point blank shot", affirms so Jordan, a friend Aboubakar . "He died free. Like a dog. We want a lot from the police.

The prosecutor confirmed Wednesday that the victim was the subject of an arrest warrant issued in June 2017 by an examining magistrate of Créteil, leaders of robbery organized gang, concealment and badociation of criminals. "This may explain the logic of flight" he declared.

But "it does not explain his death" meet young people of the district, who keep the memory of a young man "smiling and intelligent" . "Okay, there was this case, but on Tuesday he was neither armed nor violent. Why was he killed? We want the truth, and quickly! explained one of them, who sought, like others here, to collect the maximum of testimonies and videos of the scene in the neighborhood for "to prove that the version of the police is false .

A second night of clashes

The investigation was entrusted to the Regional Judicial Police Service (SRPJ) and the General Inspectorate of the National Police (IGPN), which appealed to witnesses. The investigators seek in particular to determine, in "what circumstances the policeman was brought to use his service weapon" and to establish if this use is "in conformity with the legal provisions" in the words of the prosecutor. All were heard Wednesday by the IGPN, as well as a witness, whose story seemed very enlightening.

Pierre Sennès promised a "thorough investigation" that the family of the deceased is "Right to wait" . He also announced that he could perhaps, this Thursday, make known his conclusions on the precise course of events.

Wednesday night, despite a call for calm launched by the family of Aboubakar F, relayed by several « big brothers "of the district, as well as on the social networks, certain inhabitants always sought to do battle with the policemen and gendarmes. Around the scene of the tragedy, where bouquets of flowers had been deposited, the tear gas fired responded to insults and throwing projectiles.

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