In Nantes, the prefecture wants to expel migrants from square Daviais


The mayor of Nantes, Johanna Rolland, refused to ask for the expulsion of the migrants from Daviais Square, so it is the prefecture that does it. It badigns them to the administrative court, on Tuesday afternoon, for to obtain the right to evacuate this camp which grows by the day.

283 tents recorded by the prefecture

The prefecture says it has counted 283 tents in the square and around. It estimates that 300 to 400 people would live there . His main argument for demanding evacuation is hygienic conditions. Associations were already alerting on this last week: there are in particular several cases of scabies, a single water point and a single public toilets . Unfortunate conditions to which are added hunger because despite their efforts, the badociations have trouble feeding everyone.

The hearing before the court is scheduled at 16h. A call to the gathering is already launched.

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