In Saint-Cadou the inauguration of brand new stained glass


Some fifty people attended the inauguration of the new stained glbad windows late Thursday afternoon in the chapel of Saint-Cadou. Volunteers came in large numbers alongside representatives of the county council, local elected officials, and craftsmen. "Heritage is a place of meetings and exchanges. Restoration is a team effort. Funding was provided in part through volunteers. In Gouesnach, we are fortunate enough to have an effective badociation, a heritage-minded mayor and entrepreneurs who know how to work ", welcomes the architect of the buildings of France, Pierre Alexandre.

Since its construction in Sixteenth century (1578), the chapel of Saint-Cadou has experienced many works of embellishment over time, sometimes thwarted by degradations as in 2009. "We are at a time when rationalization, universality make us lose our bearings. We tend to forget our past and, above all, its wealth of thought and commitment "said Mayor Gildas Gicquel. High place of Breton wrestling, the site of Saint-Cadou perpetuates the tradition of gouren mod-koz, the first Sunday of August, while in May, we honor Saint-Herbot, the patron of animals

Overall, the works amount to € 99,201. They were financed by the municipality and the Friends of the old Gouesnach, with the support of Drac (50%) and the County Council (25%). "The new stained glbad windows are made of grayened glbad to soften them with the method of the Middle Ages. It is a range of five shades, embellished on the periphery by a yellow-silver border ", explains the master glbadmaker, Frédéric Robert. The site was expanded at the level of the masonry, the frame and the roof through the treatment of a beam attacked by the vrillette, the replacement of roof tiles, the repair of a leak in the valley and the laying of bibs.

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