inhabitants of Fos-sur-Mer file a complaint against X


In 2017, a study concluded that women interviewed in the Etang de Berre area had three times more cancers than the national average.

The with AFP
• Updated

The chimneys of the site of Kem One, in Fos-sur-mer.

Residents of the industrial area of ​​Fos-sur-Mer (Bouches-du-Rhône) filed a complaint against X Friday, November 9 at the court of Aix-en-Provence for "Endangering the lives of others" because of the pollution that they undergo, announced their lawyer Julie Andreu. In all, 134 inhabitants, six badociations and one union, the CFDT des Métaux Fos, filed a complaint.

"After the publication of numerous studies that have revealed an increase in the diseases of the inhabitants of the region, a legitimate and understandable anxiety has pushed a large number of people to join this complaint", write the complainants in a statement.

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On many occasions, these inhabitants of one of the largest industrial areas in Europe believe, the State has been solicited and "Did not implement the tools necessary for a true risk badessment". "Weary of the immobility of the public authorities, badociations have come together for justice to seize this major health problem"they conclude.

Three times more cancers

Several companies are directly affected by the complaint because they do not respect pre-pollutant standards or recommendations regarding pollutant emissions, such as Esso or Kem One.

The Union for Enterprises (UPE) of Bouches-du-Rhône denounced this legal action: "The industrialists are not murderers! ", the PSU wrote in a statement, asking the court to dismiss the complaint. "The manufacturers of the Etang de Berre have regularly invested for many years in favor of reducing air pollution", defended the interprofessional organization.

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In March 2018, for the first time, the State, through the Regional Health Agency (ARS) had recognized that the health status of the inhabitants of the Fos area was "Weakened" by pollution. A year earlier, an independent study called "Fos-Epseal" concluded that women surveyed in the area had three times more cancers than the national average, or that 63% of the sample surveyed declared a chronic disease, against 36% in France.

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