investigation into the violence attributed to a relative of Macron, the Elysee in turmoil


The indignant reactions of politicians of all stripes were not long in coming

Insubordinate France (LFI) quickly stepped up to the plate. "These facts are scandalous and deserve punishment. It is a criminal offense ", estimates Alexis Corbière who denounces " double standards ". "In Seine-Saint-Denis, justice is not lenient with those who break the law, but when one is close to the President of the Republic, one is untouchable", continues the deputy LFI of the department .

Same approach for the first secretary of the Socialist Party: "We can not want an exemplary Republic and consider that a collaborator of the President of the Republic does not have to answer the same rules as any French », according to Olivier Faure who spoke on Thursday on France 2.

At the microphone of Europe 1, Laurent Wauquiez formally asked "Emmanuel Macron to express himself to shed light on these facts" . And the president of the party The Republicans (LR) to question: "Who knew about the Elysee? Were there any maneuvers to stifle this affair? Today we have the feeling that the Elysee is above all.

The members of the government defended the Elysee, while condemning the behavior of Mr. Benalla. Questioned in the National Assembly during the debate on the constitutional revision, the custody of the seals, Nicole Belloubet denounced "absolutely unsuitable gestures". "It's unacceptable behavior. (…) Sanctions were taken immediately: a layoff and a change of job. (…) There is no impunity " declared Julien Denormandie Secretary of State, on France Inter.

A line that seems already contested by members of the majority, such as the deputy The Republic on the Move Laurent Saint-Martin : "Do not ask me to find an excuse for it There is none. After such behavior, in my opinion, we can no longer work with the President of the Republic ", judge the elected of Val-de-Marne.

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