iPhone X: Apple has seen too big for its component inventory


Apple seems to have seen a little too big in sales of the iPhone X. Today, component suppliers are left with too much inventory on their hands.

iPhone component suppliers are now suffering too much prediction from Apple for sales of the iPhone X. Yes, if this model has sold very well, the mark at the apple does not seem to have reached the expected figures. This is what the Digitimes site explains to us in a dedicated article

Thus, suppliers find themselves with chbadis and other components on their arms . A figure on this surplus is astonishing, but it is to be handled with care: the stock of components would be three times higher compared to the parts already shipped.

Some will make the shortcut "So that means that they wanted to sell at least 3 times more "while others say that everything was planned for the next models 2018.

Do not throw them

This surplus stock is also not embarrbading for suppliers, because l the remaining parts will be used for the next iPhone . Yes, the future models – there are three of them – should use these same components, at least the same chbadis.

Moreover, some suppliers are more indicative of the current smartphone market than the brand: the latter should increase of 4.9% over the year 2018 against 10% in 2015.

To read on FrAndroid: Apple would have a busy end of the year: 3 iPhone, iPad 2, Macs and an Apple Watch

 iPhone X
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