Question asked by TarbadBoulba on 10/07/2018
The SNCF mobilités branch actually started Monday, an "exclusive negotiation" with a subsidiary of Auchan for the renovation of the Gare du Nord in Paris. It should lead, at the end of 2018, to the creation of a single-purpose mixed economy company (Semop) between Gares & Connexions, a branch of SNCF responsible for managing the network stations and Ceetrus (real estate branch of the Auchan group).
As in 2012 for the Saint-Lazare station with the Ségécé-Klépierre commercial property, or for the ongoing renovation of the Montparnbade station with Altarea, the objective is to make the private sector pay some of the renovation work by paid by a percentage on the rents of the shops, recalls our journalist, Sibylle Vincendon, in Liberation.
But this time, beyond the commercial aspect, the Semop will also have to build an important extension of the station, "departure and arrival terminals [pbadant] from 36,000 square meters to 110,000 square meters", explains the communication of Gares & Connexions. With, among other things, the creation of a gallery 18 meters wide and 300 meters long, co-working spaces, a nursery, restaurants, and a running track of 1 kilometer on the roofs of the station, "combined with public locker rooms and many other sports equipment"
The SNCF nevertheless owns the walls and obviously responsible for the management of trains. But the public company will be a minority in the common structure, as recalls our journalist:
"In this unpublished legal arrangement, Ceetrus holds 66% of the Semop while Gares & Connexions is 34%. Ceetrus will have the commercial exploitation of the place for 35 to 46 years, duration that remains to be negotiated ". Just like the distribution of profits, which is not yet decided.
First station of Europe (more than 700 000 people per day), the station of the North should accommodate more 800 000 people in 2024, just before the delivery of works (planned for mid-2023), and 900 000 in 2030.
In summary it is not strictly speaking a privatization of the North station, but of a partnership between SNCF and a private structure responsible for the management of commercial spaces, in exchange for an investment by the latter in expansion works
Luc Peillon
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