"It would be amazing if we do not find DNA"


Is this the first misstep of the commando that helped Redoine Faïd to escape the prison of Réau, on July 1 in Seine-et-Marne? The discovery of a bag a week later, which seemed destined to be buried in the forest, could reveal several information on the team that came to find the perpetrator, as this Wednesday explained our police-justice consultant Dominique Rizet: [19659002"Ingeneralwhenyouwanttomakeweaponsdisappearyouthrowtheminwaterinriversinabagwithstones"IthastimetorottorustandbythetimeTherearenomoreexploitableelements"heexplains

This raises the question of the intentions of the commando:" Burying weapons is probably for another reason that to make them disappear, "says Dominique Rizet. "Was it their intention to bury them to return for them, to use these weapons to do something else and perhaps robberies?"

New Clues?

The bag was found in a forest of the Oise by a hunter, who surprised three men. It contained many items including a grinder that could have been used for his escape, rifles, shovel, pickaxe and clothes. No less than 140 seals were recorded by the investigators, as possible clues:

"Until now we had no items.The grinder was gone, we could not hope to find footprints, because that it was not found, maybe those who used it did not take the precautions to have gloves, which could eventually leave the DNA. "

" The three suspects will be searched "and" it would be very surprising if we do not find DNA on all these precious elements ", predicts Dominique Rizet.

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