Its investments for frozen TER, the region denounces an "inadmissible blackmail" of the SNCF


A TER train station in Nice-Ville. – Archives ANP / 20 Minutes
  • The tug of war between the region, which wants an opening to competition as soon as possible, and the SNCF has hardened.
  • In a letter addressed to the Minister of Transport, the president of Paca Renaud Muselier has denounced "inadmissible blackmail" of the railway company.
  • The purchase of 16 new trains is notably frozen.

Repetitive delays, crowded trains or any simply deleted and pbadengers who go up to block the way … The TER is explosive in the Provence Alpes Côte d'Azur region. Especially since the arm wrestling between the region, which wishes
an opening to competition as soon as possible, and the SNCF has hardened still further.

Nice: Exhausted by the degradation of the service, TER users block the tracks

– 20 Minutes (@ 20Minutes) July 13, 2018

In a letter addressed to the Minister of Transport Elisabeth Borne and made public Thursday, the president of Paca Renaud Muselier has denounced "inadmissible blackmail" of the railway undertaking. The latter "has just reported its refusal to follow up the investment requests" of the community, she indignantly said in a statement.

The order of sixteen new frozen trains

In particular , the order of 16 new oars delivered between 2021 and 2023 for 170 million euros financed entirely by the region, but frozen by SNCF

The national company, which is based on the current litigation (the region has refuted to sign the agreement which binds them on the grounds that there were, in particular, too many delays and cancellations of TER), also interrupted the deployment of safety gates in the stations.

These "unacceptable" decisions […] aim to exert inadmissible blackmail on regional elected representatives and compromise the forthcoming opening of competition for the TERs, "said Renaud Muselier. The elected wants an intervention of the minister to put an end to these "reprisals" undertaken "at the expense of the users".

"To avoid that the situation degenerates still"

"It is simply a scandal, Eric Sauri, the president of the badociation of shipwrecked TER Grbade-Vintimille. This situation also suspends the project to create a maintenance center in Nice by 2022. But we can not wait for it anymore. We need
this equipment to prevent the situation from escalating further.

This Friday morning, Nice travelers blocked tracks for nearly two hours after the cascade of several trains, due to a lack of maintenance. "Even if this kind of demonstration is not acceptable, it can happen again with a serious and serious risk of overflow," says the manager.

The file is now on the desk of the minister, who will have to mediate between the Paca region and the SNCF. Contacted by 20 Minutes this Friday, the local management of the railway company did not wish to communicate immediately

>> To read also: And if the TER of Paca were taken again in regional management?

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