it's settled between OM and Duje Ćaleta-Car


This afternoon France will face Croatia for the title of world champion in Moscow, at the Luzhniki Stadium (and this meeting will of course be followed on our live commented). After the World Cup, which closes its doors on the shots of 19:00, if there are no extra time, the transfer window should get a little more. For starters, Cristiano Ronaldo will be introduced by Juventus tomorrow, but that's not all. Indeed, some players wait for the end of the competition to engage with their next club.

Yesterday, our confreres of Provence and The Team indicated that the OM was very hot on the young Redbull Salzburg Croatian defender Duje Caleta-Car, present with Luka Modric at this World Cup. Today we are able to confirm that the interest is real, but that's not all! Indeed, according to our information, everything is already settled between the three parties: the 21-year-old defender, the Austrian club and Olympique Marseille, who is looking for a high-level player to accompany Adil Rami, also in the final, next year

He will receive a little more than two million net annual

The leaders of the two formations have agreed for a compensation of 20 million euros plus various bonuses. The player has found an agreement for a long-term contract, which would be four or five years, during which he will receive a little more than two million euros annually. Everyone waits calmly for the end of the World Cup so that the player can sign his contract and that this movement can be officially announced.

Still according to our information, Andoni Zubizarreta and Jacques-Henri Eyraud have set the package to take not only Sevilla FC speed, but also Inter Milan, for a player who has tapped into the eye of everyone in the club. Contacted by us in recent hours, the player's advisor did not want to comment. Subject to the success of his medical visit and unless there is an incredible situation, Duje Caleta-Car will be a defender of OM for the next seasons.

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