In September, on the verge of burn-out, Musk chose Guillen to repair Tesla. The French must, first, accelerate the production rates of electric cars. A vital step for the credibility of the brand.
By Jérôme Marin (San Francisco, correspondence)
In the Tesla blogosphere, we've already dubbed him "The Fixer", the person who solves the problems. In early September, the French Jerome Guillen became the right arm of Elon Musk. His mission: to relieve daily tasks a boss who recognizes himself to be on the verge of burnout. And allow the American manufacturer of electric cars, which has just returned to profits, to accelerate its production rates. A vital step to validate its ambitious investment strategy.
The appointment of this native of Cavaillon (Vaucluse) is a small revolution at Tesla, as Elon Musk is committed to control everything and manage everything, to work 120 hours a week or to sleep on the ground in his Fremont factory, in California. In an interview given in mid-August New York Times, he said he was exhausted after a year "Atrocious" marked by major industrial mishaps. He also revealed that he was taking medication to sleep.
The leader has also been weakened by his many escapades: refusal to answer questions from badysts, insults against a British caver, Internet interview concluded by smoking cannabis … But also by an abortive project of withdrawal of the rating, for which he was caught up by the Securities & Exchange Commission. At the end of September, he accepted an amicable agreement with the US stock policeman, who accused him of course manipulation, notably pledging to abandon his position as chairman of the board of directors.
Faced with the concern of its shareholders and a falling stock market, Mr. Musk eventually dropped the ballast. There is no question of appointing an operational director, a real number two, as is the case with SpaceX, its space company. Mr. Guillen is not " than " President of the Automotive Division, placed hierarchically at the same level as other managers. As such, …
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