Jobs abolished, social climate degraded … the concern of the RATP unions


A thousand jobs have been cut in seven years, negotiations on social and economic committees (SSCs) suspended, fears for engineering activity: RATP unions are worried about a "disguised social plan" and a degradation of the social dialogue in the company.

With its Diapason project, "presented in the spring" to the trade union organizations and which foresees from 2018 to 2024 the net deletion "of about 1,100 positions of support functions like human resources, purchasing, computer science, etc.", the management initiated "a disguised social plan "and" without a plan for reorganization ", denounced to AFP Bertrand Hammache, Secretary General of the CGT-RATP.

"We are told a budget plan, we must cut the hog in jobs and we will look at the end in terms of operation," said Thierry Babec, secretary general of Unsa-RATP.

Diapason, "it's a real social plan, in a company that makes a profit, and it's a plan among many others," badured Hervé Techer, delegate SOUTH.

Management has badured that it is "a clbadic performance plan over seven years without dismissal".

Objective: to reduce "the weight of the support functions which represent 20% of the total expenses of the company", against "around 15%" among its competitors. The RATP aims at "2.5 to 2.7% per year" productivity gains thanks to Diapason to be ready to open to competition the bus market in Ile-de-France (from 2025).

Realized through retirements and "redeployments of staff within the company", this program will also be "the opportunity to revisit our processes, rise in quality of service and develop a culture of customer relationship- supplier "in a group that has some 55,000 employees in France, detailed management.

But Mr. Hammache reproaches him for speaking "in volume of posts, without specifying which ones will be concerned. This will mean either an intensification of work for those who will stay, therefore a deterioration of working conditions, or an outsourcing of activities to reduce the wage bill.

– "Several lights" –

The unions had not issued an alert at the presentation of Diapason because they are concerned about "several fires" at the same time, said Hammache. He cited the social consequences of the forthcoming opening up of competition for Ile-de-France buses, negotiations on the new social and economic committees (ESC), before "the next step, the subsidiarization of the engineering activity as a private company".

All the unions are opposed to Diapason, "the disagreement is unanimous, it is an unprecedented coup de plan" with "a purely accounting objective," lamented Mr. Babec. "The payroll service is not overcrowded and we have specificities that justify the existence of specific services, such as in-house training, hiring services that run tests, housing …" Or " engineering that works with builders "to develop the hardware.

"We will try very locally, service by service, to demonstrate to the company the uselessness of removing a particular post," warned Mr. Babec.

Management badured that "throughout the project, the social dialogue will be fully respected". "Information meetings of the trade union organizations and the works council (CRE) have already taken place since April, as well as information of the board of directors, where the employees are represented, in June," he said. we specified.

The unions also criticize a deterioration of the social climate in the company. By mid-October, the four representative organizations (CGT, Unsa, SUD and CFE-CGC) had left the negotiating table on the functioning of future ESCs. The unions accused the management of "turning their backs" on the social policy in force "for more than 20 years" in the company.

After the conclusion in March of an agreement on the perimeters of the ESC, the discussions block on the organization of the ESC and the means allocated to the elected representatives of the personnel. Since then, "there has been no resumption of negotiations" but "a meeting" is scheduled "Thursday morning" with management must submit "new proposals figures," according to the CGT.


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