John Degenkolb wins the milestone pavement


The riders drove very hard and arrived early, which exacerbated the tension within the pack. The beginning of stage is marked by the abandonment of Rojas and especially the very ambitious Richie Porte . Big tension in the pack. In front, the escaped are never more than 3'30 '' ahead. Of the 10 runners who left at the start of the stage, only Damien Gaudin (Direct-Energie) remained 35 km from the finish, accompanied by Van Rensburg (Dimension Data) which

The first banderilla is placed by Philippe Gilbert (Quick-Step) 37 km from the finish but the Belgian bursts at the same time. Peter Sagan (Bora Hansgrohe) goes against it but Greg Van Avermaet (BMC) watches over the grain and does not intend to let him go. The calm is barely Mikel Landa (Movistar), until then pbaded between the drops, falls heavily. Tom Dumoulin (Sunweb) then goes on the offensive to erase the second lost at Mûr-de-Bretagne. At the same time, Rigoberto Uran (EF-Drapac) falls heavily.

At 20km, there are no more escaped. Two paved areas to go. The peloton is reduced to forty riders. Yves Lampaert (Quick-Step), Greg Van Avermaet (BMC) and John Degenkolb (Trek) make everything explode at 16km. The trio that emerges claims very seriously to victory. Several runners try to join. Peter Sagan attacks 3km from the finish. He is followed by Philippe Gilbert, Bob Jungels and Jasper Stuyven. But it's too late. Degenkolb wins the final sprint ahead of Greg Van Avermaet, who keeps the yellow jersey

Bad luck for Richie Porte

Hardly the stage started, the leader of the Swiss team was caught in a crash. Richie Porte who was aiming for a final podium on this Tour de France, could not go back on his bike. A second Tour in succession truncated by a heavy fall for the Australian. Last year, the descent of the Mont du Chat had been fatal.

Tejay van Garderen is then propelled leader of the team. The American, third overall at the start, is not particularly comfortable on the pavement but is the best card for a good overall ranking. But he made the rubber band and fell with Sonny Colbrelli . He leaves with difficulty. Last hope for the BMC, keep the yellow of Greg Van Avermaet . The Belgian, he, appreciates the cobblestones. The winner of Paris-Roubaix 2017 then decided to accelerate at the head of the pack at the right time. It is not necessary but is part of the trio that comes first and is better than defending his yellow jersey. He now has 43 seconds ahead of his dolphin Geraint Thomas

A day in hell for Bardet

The best French chance in the general has lived a galley afternoon. A puncture first, then two bike changes in the first paved areas. Accompanied by Silvan Dillier second of the last Paris-Roubaix, it enjoys an badet of choice but must still be repaired in half of paved areas.

A day to make the elastic for Romain Bardet who repeatedly accused more than a minute late. He gets back to the peloton 24 km from the finish. But obviously the Frenchman is not tired of his efforts. He even tries an attack 10 km from the finish, quickly aborted but a sign of rebaduring shape.

But hey, he had to die 6km from the finish, at the exit of the last sector pad. Bardet is forced to wait for the Landa group to lose as few forces as possible. He recolled at the last moment and finished 7 seconds behind the group Froome with Landa. More fear than harm.

Leaders' Barometer

Falled: Fuglsang, Froome, Landa, Majka, Uran (loses 1'30 ''), Gate (drop)

Made the Elastic : Yates, Nibali, Dan Martin, Mollema, Quintana, Bardet

Have pbaded between the drops: Valverde, Thomas, Dumoulin, Van Avermaet, Sagan, Roglic

The new top 10 overall

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