José Mourinho hopes Paul Pogba understands – Foot – England





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The Manchester United manager hopes the French midfielder will learn from his excellent World Cup world

 Football - Alexis Danjon - José Mourinho talks with Paul Pogba. (Press-Sports)

Jose Mourinho discusses with Paul Pogba. (Presse-Sports)

José Mourinho found that Paul Pogba was "absolutely brilliant" in the last three games of the Blues at the World Cup, the quarter against Uruguay (2-0), the half against Belgium (1-0) and the final against Croatia (2-1).

"It's up to him now to understand why he was so good," sued the Manchester United manager at the BBC. He said he sent him a "pretty" message before the competition, "as I did with all my players". "I did not send it during, I did not want to disturb them. They had to be focused on their job with their selection. "

" After the World Cup, I sent him a different message than the other guys because he won the competition, " said Mourinho, without reveal the content.

Jose Mourinho says he hopes Paul Pogba "why he was very good" at the #WorldCup .

More: pic.twitter. com / MsuyqRyB94

– BBC Sport (@BBCSport) July 18, 2018


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