juvenile offenders prosecuted for "willful violence"


The two minors who admitted to hitting a security badistant Thursday in Bastia will appear in October before a juvenile judge for "violence voluntary meeting". They are also being prosecuted for hitting two servers the same evening during a fight.

Two 17-year-old minors suspected of hitting a security badistant (ADS) on Thursday in Bastia will appear before a children's judge on 8 October for "voluntary violence in meetings", said the prosecutor of the Republic of Bastia Saturday

Two indictments. The two minors, whose custody was lifted on Sunday and who acknowledged the facts, will be summoned before the juvenile judge with a view to indictment for "voluntary violence at meetings resulting in total incapacity for work" (ITT ) more than 8 days "and" voluntary violence in meeting without ITT ", said the prosecutor Caroline Tharot. The investigations did not allow to retain the aggravating circumstance of voluntary violence on depositary of the public authority, according to the prosecutor of the Republic.

The teenagers would have taken the ADS for a waiter. The two teenagers are also prosecuted for hitting two other people, two servers during a brawl in a bar in Bastia, but they gave up filing a complaint. The alleged perpetrators explained while in custody that they had taken this ADS (police contract agent) for one of the servers, with whom they had fought a little earlier in the evening. At around 5:20 am on Thursday, the security badistant went to the police station when he was badaulted by two young men who punched and kicked him.

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