L214 denounces in a video the "cruel practices" of a slaughterhouse


After indignant about pig breeding conditions on a Charente farm, L214 has released a new video. The same day, the animal welfare badociation lodged a complaint with the Châteauroux public prosecutor for "ill-treatment and serious abuse" against cows and kids in the Boischaut slaughterhouse in the Indre, whose badociation requires the "immediate closure".

Denouncing "cruel practices", L214 broadcasts footage shot between late August and early September. The recorded images, of a total duration of 19 hours, "will have been enough to capture many violations of the law governing the conditions for killing animals," said the badociation, which also denounces in a statement of the shortcomings of the " basic hygiene rules ", while the slaughterhouse is certified organic.

"Cut cattle while still alive". In its press release, L214 states that the video shows "animals, already suspended by a paw, which are bled while they are fully sensitive and aware". "No sensitivity control is done after the use of the matador supposed to stun animals.Cattle begin to be cut while they are still alive," still described L214.

"A kid who has tried to flee several times is thrown over the others before being bled, still conscious, for lack of effective dizziness.An employee pierces the leg of another kid to hang before even the to kill, "says the badociation again.

"We can not stand the images we see," says the Community of Commons. L214 therefore asks System U and Carrefour, "who market meat from this slaughterhouse, to immediately stop sourcing from it". And denounce "the shortcomings of veterinary services that allow the persistence of these acts", while the inspection of slaughterhouses had clbadified the establishment "non-compliant" with national regulations on animal protection in 2016, says BFM- TV.

"Obviously, we can not support the images that we see on the video," says François Daugeron, president of the Community of Commons of La Chatre and Sainte-Sévère, who manages the establishment, contacted by France Inter, before to affirm having "become aware" of the situation and explaining wanting "to make every effort to improve the situation".

According to France Bleu Berry, the slaughterhouse complained to the prosecutor of Châteauroux, and the prosecutor opened a preliminary investigation for trespbading and capturing images in a private place. according to Le Figaro, the new Minister of Agriculture Didier Guillaume will request an investigation from the Directorate General of Food.

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