Le Creusot: agents from the Bourgogne-Franche-Comté region block Léon Blum high school


Marie-Guite Dufay, President of the Burgundy-Franche-Comté Region, is traveling to Le Creusot this Tuesday, November 6, 2018.

In the program : the inauguration of the new Leon Blum high school facilities. Indeed, the establishment, which was spread over two sites (Jaurès and Lavoisier), is now located in one place. On the occasion of this project, 9 buildings were rehabilitated (20,585 m²) and 3 were created (5,552 m²).

Since the beginning of September 2018, the unique site Lavoisier welcomes about 1,350 students in a fully restructured framework.

The territorial agents denounce a leveling down of their status on the occasion of the merger of the Burgundy and Franche-Comté regions. / © Anthony Borlot
The territorial agents denounce a leveling down of their status on the occasion of the merger of the Burgundy and Franche-Comté regions. / © Anthony Borlot

The President of the Region was welcomed by a delegation of territorial agents who denounce the new "global social contract" to which they are subject since the merger of the Burgundy and Franche-Comté regions.
They believe that a lot of problems arise from this (working time, indemnity scheme, etc.). It is a race to the bottom because we are now working six more days, earning the same salary, they say.

This is the sixth blocking movement of territorial agents who have already expressed their anger several times before high schools in Burgundy and Franche-Comté.

It is in this context that takes place this new mobilization that began around 7:30 on Tuesday morning in front of the Lycée Léon Blum, Creusot, Saone-et-Loire, at the call of unions FO, FSU and CGT.

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