Le Figaro reveals Ashe, the new heroine of the video game Overwatch


WIDE ANGLE – BlizzCon 2018 Blizzard Entertainment franchise agreement Le Figaro was able to visit the California offices of the studio to meet the developers responsible for creating the new heroes of the video game shooting Overwatch.

Overwatch makes the fortune of Blizzard, and the happiness of video game fans. Since 2016, this first-person shooter, which is played as a team, is a worldwide success and is even the subject of professional e-sports competitions. In addition to its ease of handling, and its aesthetic close to the cartoon, the real reason for the success of Overwatch is in its cast of colorful characters. On Friday, at BlizzCon's annual conference, Blizzard introduced a newcomer to the team. Her name is Ashe and wears her stetson before as much clbad as Indiana Jones.

Le Figaro was able to witness the scenes of his birth, in preview, since the Californian studios of Blizzard. Thanks to the report of our journalists Vincent Jolly and Sylvain Chatelain, in writing and in video, you will know more about a process usually very secret: the creation, from end to end, of a hero of video games.

»Discover our GREAT ANGLE by clicking here: Ashe, the birth of a video game heroine

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