Le Pen to taste, ministers summoned, Simone Veil for eternity


Simone Veil enters the Pantheon

One year after her death, Simone Veil entered Sunday at the Pantheon with her husband Antoine. A decision of "all the French", according to Emmanuel Macron, who delivered a speech on the square of the monument. It is returned on the life of combat of Simone Veil : the reconciliation after World War II, during which she lost her parents and her brother in deportation, the fight for the rights of the women and the commitment to Europe.

Republican guards near the coffins of Simone Veil and her husband Antoine, at the Pantheon on July 1, 2018. (ABDELKAFI / AFP)

Present among the guests, the former President François Hollande said that entry to the Pantheon was "the best message that could be given" at a time when Europe is torn apart, especially on the reception of migrants. His predecessor Nicolas Sarkozy called for retaining the lessons of "the heroine of the 20th century".

Tribute to the Pantheon: "France loves Simone Veil"

When Louise Michel?

Five women, 75 men. "There is still room for improvement," said Ségolène Royal Sunday in the program "Sunday in politics" (France 3), about the pantheonization of Simone Veil.

L French ambbadador for the Arctic and Antarctic poles pleaded for more parity in the vaults:

"It is not normal [que les femmes] are so few, as already said Simone Veil One could put Olympe Gouges, Louise Michel, Simone de Beauvoir for example, that is to say women whose fight for women, against all forms of discrimination and all forms of discrimination. subordination, were essential and crucial, but as it was considered a subordinate combat, they have never been recognized as such, and it is time for this to happen. "

" Olympe de Gouges, Louise Michel and Simone de Beauvoir would also have their place.In their time, the cause of women was considered subordinate "https://t.co/c8UgSDcfmg

– Francis Letellier (@letellier_ftv) 1 July 2018

The Le Pen pose for the photo

The reconciliation was made around a snack. To celebrate his 90th birthday on June 30th, Jean-Marie Le Pen found his daughters Marie-Caroline, Yann and Marine Le Pen in his home in Rueil-Malmaison.

It had not happened for 20 years: Jean- Marie Le Pen was in cold with Marie-Caroline Le Pen since 1998, when she joined Bruno Mégret. as for Marine Le Pen, she had not seen her father since he was expelled from the National Front in 2015.

Jean-Marie Le Pen, the photo of the reconciliation with his daughters https: // t .co / fAz6ger6uz pic.twitter.com/62PiIK7vuJ

– Paris Match (@ParisMatch) June 30, 2018

The debrief of Marie-Caroline Le Pen near the "Parisian":

"It was a very calm, caring, nice moment, I found it good, rather fit considering its age, we stayed almost an hour with him, it was tender and beautiful at the same time." [19659026] "Ninety years is an age when suddenly we realize that life is short", summarizes the founder of the National Front daily.

Philippe receives his ministers

They will parade one by one in the office of the Prime Minister, Jean-Michel Blanquer (education) first. Edouard Philippe announced on Monday on RTL that he would start tomorrow meetings with each of the ministers of the government. The stated goal: "to have a conversation eye to eye with all ministers to find out how can we improve collective action". "I am not in the penalty, I am in the improvement," he said, a true HR manager of the government company:

"We sometimes need a little to lift the nose and ask yourself, based on what we wanted to do a year ago, what did we do, what went well, what did not happen well, and having this discussion to reframe things. "

These interviews will be conducted at the request of President Emmanuel Macron, said Edouard Philippe in May at the announcement of their holding.

Hamon attacks EELV

Benoît Hamon closed Sunday in Grenoble the national convention of his movement, one year after its creation. "French, French, […] you are the great people of the Revolution and the Resistance, home to Spanish Republicans and Vietnamese boat-people, have not you, are not we ashamed?" , he asked, criticizing the "intellectual and moral defeat [des] elites in the face of the migratory question":

"Dare to hear the truth: we must take our share of hospitality and welcoming migrants. "

During his speech of about an hour, the former presidential candidate criticized Emmanuel Macron, whose" single thread "is" the unbearable contempt of the weakest, poor, illiterate, no-pants, 'nothings' ". Macronism is a "social racism", he said.

But Benoît Hamon has also attacked the environmentalists, who refuse an alliance for the Europeans of 2019. "We do not do not believe in the withdrawal of identity and even less the withdrawal of identity on small chapels and small devices, "he said, lambasting " the litany of shameful strategies of tiny actors to delay the moment of this unity "

Benoit Hamon at the Generation Convention.s: "A new force has risen"

LR tries the consensus

Republicans adopted Saturday at their National Council on Europe in Menton a seven-pillar declaration of principle, which makes "protection of borders" the "absolute priority" in Europe and which promotes "community preference". An instrument of consensus for the party, which intends to make these seven pillars a "base" for the program of the European in 2019.

Valerie Pécresse, rival of the party president Laurent Wauquiez, conspired during the previous National Council in January, came into the room under a mixture of boos and applause. On leaving – she left at midday for the Île-de-France – she said she was "pleased to see that euro-skepticism recedes" at LR. Also present in Menton, the chairman of the LR group in the Senate Bruno Retailleau, whose micro-party Force Républicaine had issued about thirty proposals, hammered his message in favor of a "project of civilization", a point that also appears in the declaration.

The Europeans are approaching, the panic among Republicans

The Republic on the move wants "credible candidates"

The presidential party launched last weekend a training institute to prepare its future executives and its candidates for the municipal elections of 2020. The device aims in particular to make up for one of the big weak points of LREM: its absence of territorial implantation.

"We want to form dozens of credible candidates for the municipal and, especially, do not not to give body to the process of amateurism that we already knew with our deputies ", explains a member of the executive bureau of LREM in" World ".

The institute will be presi by the mayor of Besançon Jean-Louis Fousseret, an ex-elected socialist converted to macronism, details the daily. It will have a budget of 2.5 million euros per year and will provide training online or in the form of a workshop.

A new senator for LR

Vincent Seguin, 45 years old, member of the Republicans, was elected Sunday Senator of the Orne in the second round of voting during a partial senatorial. The election of his predecessor Sébastien Leroux (LR) had been canceled because he had been considered ineligible for the date of the vote, since he was still a member of the cabinet of the President of the Departmental Council of Orne.

Vincent Segouin won with 42.98% of the vote against 28.10 to the former UMP Minister Alain Lambert (UDI). b The fourth candidate for the second round, Raymond Herbreteau (RN, formerly FN), won 1.98% of the votes.

The reading advice

For the Italian writer Erri De Luca, "the left is not dead". He takes us to the places of his resurrection

On the occasion of the entrance to the Pantheon of Simone Veil, itinerary of a woman fighting .

To be continued today

  • The Confederal Bureau of Force Ouvrière receives this Monday afternoon the Confederal Bureau of the CGT to "know each other and exchange", according to Pascal Pavageau, Secretary General of FO, which explains that this meeting takes place "so that the members of the confederal offices know their counterparts". Others will be organized "in September or October" with the offices of other organizations like CFDT, Unsa or CFTC


 The Obs

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