Les Sables d'Olonne prays holiday makers to repack their dream body


"The swimwear is allowed on the beach but prohibited in town and in the shops.The tourists are asked to dress up the beaches" recalls the municipality which sends its tourists get dressed through no posting campaign in the Sands.

" A decree exists practically since the commune of the Sands itself exists it is regularly brought up to date", recalls one of the badistants to the mayor, Gérard Mongellaz, who states that few minutes are drawn up, "it is difficult to verbalize people who are on vacation and are sufficiently taxed the rest of the year."

A question of hygiene and respect

The problem is that with the hot weather of July tourists played it relax . "our large south-facing beach is urban, the city is organized around", resituates Gerard Mongellaz, "the street Travot is 200m and a little further the pedestrian streets".
Result: a lot of shirtless men and women in swimsuits in the shops and bars around the beach, "it's not terrible, it's a question of hygiene and respect."

"It's a question of common sense, etiquette, people do not walk in underwear in the street, so why more in swimsuit ",

finds Guillaume Ségretin . The president of the merchants of downtown Les Sables d'Olonne holds a pastry shop at Les Sables, "the problem is knowing, if you say it, if it will be badly taken. client. "

Suddenly, the municipality chose the humor to sensitize the summer visitors " Some are surprised of the prohibition and say "I am sorry, I did not know". to reinvent in humorous form. ", explains Gérard Mongellaz, even if " some deplore that we did not make a T-shirt with our slogan: "Thank you for exposing your dream body on the beach and dress in town ".

And for those who would not want to get dressed, they could be fined 11 euros . a T-Shirt, basically …

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