Listen to the song of Saturn, recorded by the Cassini probe


Before dying in the atmosphere of Saturn, the Cbadini probe recorded waves in the interplanetary plasma between Saturn and its rings and especially the moon Enceladus. A group of researchers has translated the frequencies of these waves into audible form, allowing somehow to listen to the song of Saturn.

"The eternal silence of these infinite spaces scares me. Blaise Pascal would he still write this existential thought if he was born in the era of radioastronomy and space exploration? We will never know it even if we can reasonably think so. At any rate, we know today that these spaces, perhaps infinite, are actually noisy, traveled in all directions by electromagnetic waves. in the void. It is able to carry information.
Waves … "data-image =" b7fd349fb4_88234_shutterstock-264539684.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-electromagnetic-wave-15066 / "data-more =" Read more "> electromagnetic waves and even some They spread to the speed of light by carrying energy, we can compare them … "data-image =" /c/f4c81d66a7_86131_ligo-fusion-trou-noir-ligo-nsf-aurore-simonnet.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-wave-gravitational-4003 / "data-more =" Read more "> Gravitational waves waving the fabric of the space they vibrate. And for those who would point out that these waves are actually not sound waves can suffer … "data-image =" /a/f/5/af5c4016ac_85974_onde-sonore.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-wave-sound-15526 / "data-more =" Read more "> sound waves what we can concede to them, it will be remembered all the same that such waves were formed and propagated at the time of Big Bang in the Plasma in Biology
Liquid part of the blood which represents about 55% of its volume.The plasma is composed of water and contains lipids (fats), hormones, factors of … "data-image =" buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / 5/1/9 / 519c1b8d6a_50034460_plasma-02.jpg "data-url =" / health / definitions / medicine-plasma-2871 / "data-more =" Read more "> plasma of the young The history of the universe begins there is someone e 13.7 billion years in an extremely dense and hot soup. The laws of physics as we … "data-image =" " data-url = "/ sciences / definitions / astronomy-universe-15239 /" data-more = "Read more"> universe observable and that their memory was guarded by the fossil radiation .

A presentation of the plasma waves around Saturn recorded by the Cbadini probe whose frequencies were transposed into the audible band and compressing the duration of the signal from 16 minutes to 28.5 seconds. a fairly faithful French translation, click on the white rectangle at the bottom right, then the English subtitles should appear, then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then on "Subtitles" and finally on "Translate automatically. "Choose" English ". © NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

A complex MHD between Sat Urn and Enceladus

Still, there is also a team of planetologists specializing in the study of interplanetary plasmas and magnetospheres at the University of Iowa (United States). the very same place where the famous James A. Van Allen worked, has just put on line a video allowing to listen to what the Greek philosophers could still call an example of the music of the spheres (it accompanies two publications in Geophysical Research Letters ). In this case, it concerns the translation into the audible sound domain of the waves propagating in the plasma of the magnetosphere of Saturn detected and recorded by the deceased Cbadini probe two weeks before its scheduled end in the atmosphere of the gas giant .

These waves are the result of magnetohydrodynamic interactions (MHD) between Saturn and its moon Enceladus (and also its rings) and thus, as we will see, between the Maxwells showed that the electromagnetic waves, whose light, allow the propagation, at finite speed of the electric and magnetic fields. The existence of an absolute medium called ether, necessary for this propagation was refuted by the theory of relativity. "Data-url =" / sciences / definitions / matter-field-electromagnetique-3879 / "data-more =" To read the definition "> electromagnetic fields and the monoatomic and polyatomic ions, cations and anions
The ions may be monoatomic if they are formed of only one type of atom, or polyatomic. .. "data-image =" "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / chemistry-ion-861 / "data-more =" Read more "> ions making up interplanetary plasma, studied using the instrument Radio Plasma Wave Science (RPWS) who was aboard Cbadini. One can conceive these interactions as if a kind of complex electrical circuit existed between these two Here is a list of celestial objects being able to be called astre (no … "data-image =" https: //fr.cdn.v5.futura "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / etoile-astre-851 / "data-more = "19459109" between between charge currents and energy would be back-and-forth, and the radio waves in the plasma produced by these phenomena are related to those observed around the Earth's Structure … "data-image =" "data-url =" / planet / definitions / structure-earth-earth-4725 / "data-more =" Read more "> Earth in its ionosphere and its magnetosphere, especially in relation to those of the hemi north sphere are called "boreal", those of the southern hemisphere are called "southern".
When the activity of the Sun is at its highest level (the cycle … "data-image =" https: / / "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / astronomy-aurora-polar -16642 / "data-more =" Read more "> polar aurorae .

It is also, among other things, manifestations of the existence of the famous waves of Alfvén discovered by the Nobel Prize in Theories established by physics apply in well-defined frameworks.
Physics … "data-image =" https: //en.cdn.v5.futura- "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physical-physical-15839 / "data-more =" Read more "> physical Swedish Hannes Alfvén coupling the equati Maxwell of electromagnetism with the equations of Navier-Stokes of hydrodynamics

A visualization of the waves of Alfvén on computer. The arrows indicate the orientation of a magnetic field and its field lines vary in time and space while in yellow are indicated the movements of charged particles of a plasma immersed in this magnetic field. For a fairly faithful French translation, click on the white rectangle at the bottom right. English subtitles should then appear. Then click on the nut to the right of the rectangle, then on "Subtitles" and finally on "Translate automatically". Choose "French". © NASA, Jet Propulsion Laboratory

Waves for a cosmic electrodynamics

For him, the Newton and the force of gravitation
It is to Isaac Newton that we owe the first formulation of the force of gravitation at the base of the … "data-image =" jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-gravitation-3573 / "data-more =" Read more "> gravitation was not the only engine of astrophysical phenomena and cosmogonic It was imperative to take into account magnetic fields and plasma physics using the laws of magnetohydrodynamics (see MOOC of the Paris Observatory on this subject). Moreover, Alfvén himself, in 1942, is the name of this scientific discipline which describes the behavior of a conducting fluid of [1 9459009] electric current ( liquid or gas ionized) in the presence of electromagnetic fields

Unlike sound waves where pressure and density variations are present within environments in which they propagate, the Alfvén waves in a plasma of charged particles immersed in a magnetic field, magnet and field … "data-image =" https: //fr.cdn.v5.futura-sciences .com / buildsv6 / images / midioriginal / 6 / a / a / 6aa47f5f22_85914_champ-magnetique.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-magnetic-field-3878 / "data-more =" Read more "> magnetic field based on deformations of the magnetic field lines (see video above). We also speak of waves of these … "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / physics-torsion-2095 / "data-more =" Read more "> torsions . prediction of the existence of these waves was confirmed in the laboratory in 1949 by Lundquist, based on studies on chemistry: mercury, a chemical element
Mercury is the element of gold in the periodic table of the elements and one of the favorites of the alchemists.It presents the peculiarity of being the only metal … "data-image =" images / midioriginal / e / d / f / edf75f57d9_82666_mercureok.jpg "data-url =" / sciences / definitions / astronomy-mercury-3722 / "data-more =" read more "> mercury immersed in a magnetic field

What to remember

  • The magnetosphere and the ionosphere of Saturn interact in a complex way with its rings and moons, in particular Enceladus.
  • These interactions generate radio waves and interplanetary plasma waves similar to those which can be measured around the Earth on the occasion of polar auroras for example, and in particular Alfvén waves.
  • Some of these waves have were recorded by the Cbadini spacecraft two weeks before its destruction and they were transcribed in the audible range, giving an example of what the Greeks called the music of the spheres.

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