Literary café. Thirty people met the authors – Clohars-Carnoët


 The two authors (Gérard Teschner, on the right, and Maurice de Kervénaoël supervising Claude Couderc) exchanged on their way of working.
The two authors (Gérard Teschner, on the right, and Maurice de Kervénaoël supervising Claude Couderc) (19659003) Claude Couderc received Saturday evening for the literary café in July, two authors with very different backgrounds, professionally as well as in writing. Maurice de Kervénoaël has always written. At age 11, he had already committed a book "no one" and then, student, he collaborated in a newspaper "youth". Then, in 1968, a book accepted by a publisher on the malaise of young people, but the events catch up with him. When he retired, he published a family saga in three volumes, of which he presented the last part. At 82, he still writes, and announces, for 2019, a book taking place during the war in Algeria to be followed by another, devoted to the return to France of the Harkis. Gerard Teschner wanted to write late. With the exception of a dissertation published in 1993 on cognitive psychology, he waited for his retirement at Belle-Ile to engage in atypical detective novels, giving a lot of space to the description of places, which led a reader to name them " Police Tourist Guides. One of his books "Occis dead in Occimor" addresses the artificial intelligence, which will summon Pouldu Hubert Reeves, Jacques Attali, or Edgar Morin. Next appointment, at 9 pm, with the conference on the philosopher Alain, Saturday, July 28, and the literary café in August, Thursday, August 16, with Yves Bichet ("Indocile") at the Pratell, campsite bar, 83 , rue des Grands-Sables.
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