LIVE – On May 2, the sanction against Benalla "was proportionate", Judge Alexis Kohler


3rd day of hearings: the commission of inquiry
of the Elysee is torn

The day
Wednesday saw many protagonists: Eric Bio-Farina, commander
President of the Republic, and Lionel Lavergne, Head of the Group
of the Presidency of the Republic (GSPR) to the Assembly; Richard
Lizurey, Director General of the Gendarmerie, Eric Morvan, Director General of
PN, Marie-France Monéger-Guyomarc'h, director of the IGPN, Michel Delpuech,
Paris Prefect of Police, Patrick Strzoda, Macron's Chief of Staff, Frédéric
Aureal, chief of the protection service and Jacques Toubon, defender of the

In the Assembly,
the proceedings of the hearings were peppered with numerous incidents. From the beginning of
the day, a lively debate about the conditions of organization of the work of the
commission broke out. Nicolas Dupont-Aignan slammed the door of the commission,
denouncing a "masquerade". Majority and oppositions have constantly clashed.
LaREM President Yael Braun-Pivet accused the opposition of favoring "a polemical and political approach that aims to take advantage of
the news, far from any concern for the truth ". MP LR Guillaume
Larrivé, co-rapporteur, for his part accused Emmanuel Macron of "giving
orders to try to stifle the truth "by refusing the hearing of
some of his collaborators

>> See also – Benalla case: declared war between the majority and the opposition in the National Assembly

The office of Alexander Benalla at [19659005] Elysée raided

Sealed since the detention in custody of his
occupying, the office of Alexander Benalla at the Elysee was searched yesterday,
between mid-afternoon and 8 pm, in the presence of the principal concerned.
The home of the former chargé de mission had already been raided Saturday

>> Read also – Alexandre Benalla's office at the Elysée raided

Traveling in the Pyrenees, Macron says "proud"
to have hired Benalla at

At first, the President of the Republic had
made the choice to speak very little about the Benalla affair, attracting
thunderbolts oppositions. But he then intervened twice in quick succession:
a first time Tuesday before the deputies LaREM, a second time last night
during a trip to the Hautes-Pyrénées. Affirming having "lived
as a treason "the" serious and real fault "of his charge
mission, however, Macron said he was "proud to have hired
the Élysée ", considering that" it is someone who was devoted and who
had a different course. He insisted that Benalla
had been "sanctioned" and that this sanction "was in his eyes
proportionate ".

The head of state also took the opportunity to attack the
press, accused of wanting to "see blood and tears in the turning
of summer "and to have" said a lot of nonsense ". He concluded
by calling on journalists to "stop getting excited like this on this
affaire. "

>> Read also – Macron on Benalla:" I am proud to have hired him at the Elysée "

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