LREM and the RN at neck-to-elbow


The Republic in progress (LREM) and the National Rally (RN, ex-FN) are neck and neck, with according to the badumptions of 19% to 21% of intentions of vote in the European elections of May 2019, according to a Ifop poll broadcast Sunday.

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Credited with 20% of voting intentions, the list RN gains 3 points compared to a previous survey at the end of August, while that of LREM and MoDem remains stable, also at 20%, in the event that Ségolène Royal would not lead not the socialist list.

If the poll was to take place on Sunday, the leading pair would overtake the list of Republicans (LR), credited with 14% (-1), and more clearly that of the insubordinate France (LFI) in loss of speed to 11% (- 3), according to this survey for The Expansion Letter.

Then come the EELV list led by Yannick Jadot (7%, -0.5), ahead of those of Debout France (6.5%, =) and the Socialist Party (6%, =).

The lists of the Communist Party led by Ian Brossat (+1), Générations (=), and the UDI led by Jean-Christophe Lagarde (+ 0.5%) are credited with 3% each.

The UPR list of François Asselineau (1.5%, +1), the NPA (1%, -1) and the Patriotes led by Florian Philippot (1%, =) are closing the march.

In the event that Ségolène Royal would conduct the PS list, it receives 7.5% of voting intentions instead of 6%. The LREM list loses one point to 19%, that of the National Gathering gains one to 21% and that of the Republicans loses one to 13%.

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