MEP LREM Agnès Thill. – Witt / Sipa / SIPA
The Republic on the march has put a "last" time on Thursday defense MP Agnes Thill "against the excesses" of his "public pronouncements", after comments about a supposed "lobby"
LGBT in the National Assembly ".
In this letter that AFP has procured, the acting boss of the party Philippe Grangeon, and that of the group of deputies Gilles Le Gendre, condemn "with the greatest firmness" a tweet of the deputy of Oise, since deleted.
These words "violate the values" of The Republic in motion
In this message about medically badisted procreation, Agnès Thill denounced "a powerful LGBT lobby in the National Assembly," while arguing that "the National Assembly is not France."
These remarks "are contrary to the values" of The Republic in motion, argue Philippe Grangeon and Gilles Le Gendre, adding that "the terms" LGBT lobby "are homophobic semantics. "Your words do not express a conviction. They constitute an insidious questioning of some of our colleagues ", continue the two cadres of the party.
An "unacceptable" tweet
Agnès Thill later said "regret (s) remarks that may have hurt some of his colleagues and others". "I do not judge any personal life. Let's go back to the bottom. And that everyone can express themselves serenely. I commit to it, "she added. "We took note of the" regrets "that you expressed afterwards. Apologies in due form would have been more appropriate, "said Philippe Grangeon and Gilles Le Gendre.
Government spokesman Benjamin Griveaux described Agnès Thill's tweet as "absolutely unacceptable".
Agnès Thill has repeatedly expressed her criticism of the extension of the PMA to all women, a measure supported by Emmanuel Macron during the campaign. She had also made a controversy on Twitter in July by answering a user in favor of euthanasia: "suicide is not forbidden in France".
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