Lyon: New twist in the robbery of the Swiss van with kidnapping


The story, already incredible, is experiencing a new rebound. And it's the newspaper "Le Parisien" that reveals this new episode. A 44-year-old man was arrested in late June in the northern suburbs of Lyon after the discovery in his cellar of 2.3 million Swiss francs (2 million euros). Checks made, the tickets come from the robbery of a armored van committed last February in Switzerland under very peculiar conditions

The search of the police was not fortuitous. She intervened after an anonymous denunciation. The suspect explains that he is only hiding part of the loot, estimated at between 10 and 15 million Swiss francs. The man is indicted and locked up for "receiving".

Let us now return to the particular circumstances of this affair, which began on February 8, with the kidnapping of a 23-year-old girl in Lyon by false plumbers. Found wandering on a wheel of the Ain, Tramoyes, she said he was taken hostage to force his father, a Swiss cash courier, to deliver the armored car on a highway in Switzerland.

The robbers are extremely knowledgeable. The operation is timed since the conveyor circulates at this precise moment at the wheel of a well filled armored truck. In Switzerland, three masked and armed criminals seized booty at the fixed location in Chavornay (canton of Vaud) before fleeing on board a powerful 4×4.

A week after the daring robbery, 300 000 Swiss francs will be found in a forest on the instructions of a colleague of the money conveyor. He claims that the thugs left part of the loot as compensation for "moral damage".

The discovery of a new part of the booty gives the investigators a serious track.

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