Macron receives Trump at the opening of a marathon weekend


POLITICAL SCANNING – After a week of "memorial roaming", commemorations of the centenary of the Armistice come to an end. Saturday morning, the head of state received Donald Trump.

The marathon is coming to an end. After a six-day "memorial roaming" that saw Emmanuel Macron cross two regions, eleven departments and seventeen cities, the Head of State is preparing to conclude the commemoration of the centenary of the Armistice of the First World War. this week-end. Returning Friday night in Paris, the president – who had not returned to the capital since his departure last Sunday – spent his first night at the Elysee for nearly a week.

From Saturday morning at 11 am, he received his American counterpart Donald Trump for a bilateral meeting. The exchange was announced tense. The two men were to discuss "European strategic capabilities". "President Macron has just suggested that Europe build its own army to protect itself against the United States, China and Russia. Very insulting but perhaps Europe should first pay its share to NATO that the United States subsidize widely !, "tweeted the US president Friday night when landing in Paris. Emmanuel Macron insisted that Europe should have more defense capacity. "Our two countries are the two oldest allies in the world," he said in the preamble of this interview.

A lunch in the presence of the respective wives, the first ladies Brigitte Macron and Melania Trump, will take place next.

About 50 leaders expected at dinner at the Musée d'Orsay on Saturday evening

Saturday afternoon, Emmanuel Macron will go to Compiègne, in the Oise, with Angela Merkel, for a commemoration ceremony at the "Clairière de Rethondes". Gathered in the wagon of the Armistice, the President of the Republic and the Chancellor will stand side by side to sign together a guestbook. The idea is to illustrate the reconciliation Franco-German, 100 years after the signing of the Armistice in which the French and Germans were face to face.

Emmanuel and Brigitte Macron will then receive fifty or so heads of state and government for a dinner at the Musée d'Orsay on Saturday evening. The feasts will take place in the former ballroom of the hotel at the Orsay train station, located on the museum floor. Before dinner, guests of the presidential couple – including Donald and Melania Trump, Theresa and Philip May, and Angela Merkel and Joachim Sauer – will be able to visit the Picbado exhibition "Blue and Pink", inaugurated in September 2018.

Putin will be at the "Forum on Peace", but not Trump

But it is Sunday that the commemoration of the centenary of November 11th will know their true culmination. In total, some 85 heads of state and government – including Donald Trump and Vladimir Putin – will gather at the end of the morning at the Arc de Triomphe to attend a one-hour ceremony. Emmanuel Macron will give a ten-minute speech, during which he wants to "make France resound in 2018 with that of 1918" and insist on the importance of multilateralism for peace.

It is also the theme of "peace" that will be honored in the afternoon, as 75 foreign leaders will be gathered at the Grande Halle de la Villette (19th arrondissement of Paris) for a "Forum" on Peace "organized on the initiative of France. This new gathering – which is meant to be an annual event – will be opened by a speech by UN Secretary-General António Guterres, followed by a speech by German Chancellor Angela Merkel. Vladimir Putin will participate, but not Donald Trump.

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