Macron to Albert and Péronne, what a story!


Udo not visit for history, that of those soldiers who gave their lives in a conflict that has terribly marked the territory.

A visit that will go down in history, for the east of the Somme and the cities visited.

Albert waited a long time for the arrival of a President of the Republic. Since 1932 and Albert Lebrun, to be precise. For his visit to the city of Ancre Friday, November 9, Emmanuel Macron did not do things by half.

The president received Theresa May, British Prime Minister, for a face-to-face interview in the secret of the mayor's office, "relooked" with furniture transported for the occasion.

The head of state arrived early in the afternoon. On his way out of the car, he went to greet the crowd gathered near the town hall.

The Historial, "I went young, but it changed a lot"

Among the Albertins present, schoolchildren who sang The Marseillaise while the president was waiting for his prestigious guest.

Two hours later, after a meal in the intimacy of the marriage hall of the town hall, the presidential procession left the city to take the direction of Péronne.

Went there young, but it changed a lot
", Smiles Emmanuel Macron with a smile, rediscovering in the middle of the afternoon the Historial of the Great War of Péronne.

Indeed, the former high school student at La Providence d'Amiens did not recognize the departmental museum, opened in 1992, which has been the subject of a vast and ambitious renovation project since 2014, launching the centenary of the Grande War.

Guided by specialists and historians, the president was treated to a private visit of nearly an hour conducted at a steady pace and under strong escort.

He was able to cross the "soldiers' grave", where period military costumes are displayed in a scenography, evoking both the royal giants and the trenches, and admire the impressive collection of Otto Dix's engravings, illustrating the war in all its horror.

In the post-war room, questioning the consequences of the conflict, he may have pondered one of his statements about
similarities between the 30s and today
". After being offered a book on the burial sites of the Great War, he chaired an agreement signed between the Ministry of Research and the Historial Research Center.

" Thanks for coming "

Just before his visit, under a beautiful autumnal sun, the president from Thiepval, had been able to take a small crowd in front of the castle with the 200 people waiting behind gates.

Thanks for coming
He lets go of a man, in a peaceful and peaceful atmosphere, far from any hostility. He told him repeatedly to be happy to be in Peronne. He had also been able to exchange with 40 children of the schools of the city, bouquets of artificial flowers in the hand. "
Do you know anything about the First World War?
He asks them.

A child replies that it began in 1914 and ended in 1918. And the president concluded: "
Oh well that's good, you worked well. "

The visit of the Historial finished, the president made the few hundred meters that connect the museum to the town hall by car. There, the atmosphere was a little electric, without there being overflows. And President Macron has, as usual during his homelessness, been to meet the crowd that was waiting for him, answering questions and anxieties of each other. A good half-hour of broken talk.

There was an appointment with about thirty historians, specialized in the First World War. All did not intervene, but the comments were mainly around the results of research during the centenary. Research that has led to great advances, including contributions from 6,000 people, 325,000 digitized documents, the development of comics related to 14-18, the explosion of genealogy …

Several historians have recalled important points, such as the role of women, the war at the back. Reminder of the 6,500 certified commemorative projects completed during these five years of commemorations. And Emmanuel Macron to recall that "
November 11 would be the occasion to celebrate the end of the war, to celebrate peace, without concealing the armies. And we must continue to work, to seek peace. We need it. "

By The Courrier Picard
Friday, November 9, 2018 – 21:15

He had arrived an hour before, and he wisely waited for an hour, almost back to the Historial, but leaning against a barrier.

So when Emmanuel Macron, who took a bath of the crowd, arrived in front of him at 5:15 pm, Edmond Salata could not hold back his tears.

This well-known 86-year-old Peronnais, veteran, gardening enthusiast and organizer of plant scholarships on Sunday morning under the arches of the town hall, was very moved.

He came to me and held out his hand. I pressed it to him, and I asked him to hold on, let him continue like this. He looked at me, he smiled at me and my tears flowed with emotion

And they upset the President of the Republic who took him in his arms, under the cracklings of flashes cameras and many cameras.

I had already seen General de Gaulle during a parade on July 14 in Paris with my children, but this is the first time I speak to a president. He told me he would continue to take good care of us pensioners. And I told him that he had to continue doing so, with courage. France is very beautiful, Péronne too, and I spent all my life and it is important that the country and Péronne remain beautiful like that

By The Courrier Picard
Friday, November 9, 2018 – 21:46

Paco put himself in the colors of the Republic

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The dog Paco was in the colors of the tricolor flag yesterday, to welcome Emmanuel Macron to Albert.

Her mistress had put on a little hat with blue, white and red pompoms. His outfit did not fail to catch the attention of pbaders-by … but not that of the president who did not go so far as to shake his leg!

In the guestbook

As we have already written, the visit of the head of state to the mayor of Albert is historic. The last president to come to the city of Anchor is none other than Albert Lebrun, in 1932.

Like his illustrious predecessor, the president has signed the city's guest book. Like Theresa May.

They sang "La Marseillaise" with the president

After arriving in Albert, Emmanuel Macron waited at the foot of the town hall to welcome his British host. He then heard the children of CM1 of the Jules-Ferry elementary school singing "La Marseillaise".

The pictures show that the president even gave voice to accompany them. "We came during the lunch break with a dozen children, says Patrick Cauchefer, their teacher. They were all able to shake hands with the president. Little Paula-Maria even received a compliment from the president: "He told me I was pretty," says the girl, still moved.

When the cbad gets involved

Coming to Albert, the President of the Republic came into the stronghold of Stéphane Demilly. The MP (UDI) is a strong supporter of the project to create the Seine North Cbad. The President of the Republic promised the 5th district MP that the channel would be launched in the first quarter of 2019. The "Oui au cbad" sign, installed in the mayor's office, had been left. "She was on the path that was planned for the heads of state inside the building," says a well-informed source. Suffice to say that Emmanuel Macron could not miss it!

The paramedics demonstrate in front of the sub-prefecture

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About fifteen ambulances were stationed in front of the sub-prefecture of Peronnaise. The paramedics relayed locally the event that began to unfold throughout France earlier this week. They oppose the entry into force of a reform of health transport financing. It will no longer be Health Insurance that will reimburse ambulance transport, but hospitals.

Ministers at the Historial

President Emmanuel Macron was not the only one to visit the Historial of the Great War in Péronne. With him, members of his government, Frédérique Vidal, the Minister of Higher Education, Research and Innovation but also Gerald Darmanin, Minister of Action and Public Accounts, seeming to be interested in multimedia terminals of the museum.

The Garden for Peace snubbed

The Irish Peace Garden in the moat of the castle was ready for D-Day. Unfortunately it would not be worth it. For lack of time, Emmanuel Macron did not take a look.

Shots near Thiepval

While Emmanuel Macron and Theresa May bowed at the Thiepval cemetery, several hunter gunshots rang out in the surrounding countryside. Defender of the hunt and his practitioners, the president did not have to regret these untimely bursts that created a certain atmosphere.

The prefect of the Oise has taken a decree to ban hunting this afternoon near the clearing of the Armistice Rethondes-Compiegne.

Guestbook 2

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Before leaving, Emmanuel Macron did not forget to leave a note in the guestbook of the Historial.

He did the same at the town hall of Péronne, where he wrote these lines: "Thank you for your welcome, thank you for your story, together we will build the future in confidence." He has also filled a number of collectors' gold books, or responded to requests for autographs.


A few minutes after the round table with historians at the town hall of Péronne, a man seized the bottle of water that had allowed Emmanuel Macron to drink during the meeting. He recovered it discreetly to give it to his son to whom he had promised a souvenir.

No more customers, no less, in bars

Did the bars of Place Daudré in Péronne take advantage of the arrival of the President of the Republic? The balance is half-figue half-reason, because if the morning was clbadic, the beginning of the afternoon was quieter, before the arrival of some customers who waited Emmanuel Macron.

By The Courrier Picard
Friday, November 9, 2018 – 21:12

While Emmanuel Macron was chatting with Theresa May in the secret of Albert Mayor's office, Gérald Darmanin, the Minister of Action and Public Accounts, joined a restaurant in the center.

Several elected officials, including the President of Region Xavier Bertrand, the MP Stéphane Demilly or the mayor of Albert Claude Cliquet were waiting for him.

On the way, the former mayor of Tourcoing (North) greeted pbadersby and some traders in a relaxed atmosphere.

After the lunch, which went well, ensures the patron of the establishment, the elected officials collectively took the direction of the Franco-British memorial of Thiepval.

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