Maintain maternity Guingamp, a threat to the entire department?


Illustration of the hand of a newborn. – C. Allain / APEI / 20 Minutes

So far, we had heard a lot of opponents. Protests gathered thousands of people worried about the plan to close the maternity ward in Guingamp (Côtes d'Armor). Solicited by elected officials during his trip to Brittany, the President of the Republic Emmanuel Macron decided
to give a two-year delay to the birth service of the costarmorican hospital.

This Thursday, the voices that are heard carry a completely different speech. In a tribune published in Libération Doctors Benoît Moque and Cynthia Garignon, president and vice-president of the medical commission of the hospital center of Saint-Brieuc, are worried about this maintenance. Both professionals believe that this decision "
buries the entire restructuring project of the Armor hospital group and any chance of structuring a quality, well-organized and efficient public hospital offer for the Côtes d'Armor department. "

" Insufficient quality "care [19659005] The doctors remind that the closing of the maternity of Guingamp was to allow a global restructuring of the supply of care in the department. The shortage of doctors combined with declining demographics pushes the authorities to pay "mercenary doctors" to close the gaps in services and "for inadequate and potentially unsafe care."

Retropédalage of public authorities in #Brittany : no closing finally early 2019 for the # maternity of #Guingamp who obtains 2 years of reprieve, which puts wind the doctors of the hospital of #SaintBrieuc @HOSPIMEDIA

– Quéguiner Thomas (@thomaqu) July 25, 2018

These expenses would contribute to reinforce the "20 million euros of structural deficit" of the territory, "Half the deficit of all hospitals in Brittany," regret the two doctors. "We weaken the hospital Guingamp which will cause in its fall that of Lannion.

Before the president's intervention, Guingamp's maternity ward was promised a scheduled closure for January. Nothing is recorded anymore.

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