Marseille: A 6-year-old girl makes a fatal fall from the 12th floor of a building


DRAMA – A little girl was playing with her siblings on the balcony of an apartment where her parents were when she tipped over the railing.

– The drafting of LCI

A 6-year-old girl died Monday, July 30 in the evening in Marseille after falling from a balcony on the 12th floor of a building thus reports AFP. The girl, who was playing with her siblings on the balcony of an apartment where her parents were staying, "swung over the guardrail for an unknown reason," a police source said, confirming a piece of information. of Provence .

The girl died at the Timone hospital where she was transported after her fall from this building in the 14th arrondissement of Marseille. An investigation was opened to determine the circumstances. the accident, the police said.

Every year, as soon as spring and warm days arrive and with the first heat, the risk of falls from the window increases in young children. Inpes (National Institute for Prevention and Health Education) estimates that 250 children are victims of defenestration. To avoid any dramatic issues, the institute is very clear: you should never leave a child alone on a balcony or in a room with an open window.

The LCI editorial team

Updated: [19659009] Created:

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