Marseille: animals tortured in a "house of horror"


A "house of horror" for animals, this is what discovered the SPA and the police in a Marseilles accommodation of the twelfth district of the city. Inside: cats, dogs and a hedgehog weakened and malnourished, as well as two corpses of dogs that would have been frozen and then burnt, according to concordant sources. A woman in her twenties was arrested and heard by the police as part of a procedure for "acts of cruelty to animals."

In this house in Marseille and presented as an badociation for animal protection , the investigators of the SPA, warned anonymously, found that dogs were killed and dismembered before being burned in the fireplace, according to France Blue Marseille. "This is the first time that the badociation is facing such barbarism. A house of horror, "said Xavier Bonnard, the president of the animal welfare badociation on local radio.

In total, in the housing, the police found two bodies of dogs burned in a garbage bin, as well as three live dogs, three cats, a hedgehog, in cages, said this source.

She "admitted to having burned the dogs, but not to have killed them. She had frozen them, then thawed them to burn, in order to leave their souls "said a police source. At the end of the day, she was left free, and the procedure pbaded on to the public prosecution.

Cats living in their excrement

The dogs were "locked in unsuitable cages", the cats were "delivered to them the same, living in their excrement ", and all the animals were" without water and without food ", described the Marseille-Provence SPA, which took part in the police operation, on its Facebook page. The rescued hedgehog was used as a pet for a child …

The live animals were entrusted to the SPA, which promises "to go all the way in this case" to "take (responsible) in court and have it condemned for this cruelty and barbarism ".

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