men of the GIGN incognitos in the trains


The National Gendarmerie announced Thursday (July 5th) that an operation aiming to make incognito travel members of the GIGN in the trains was launched as part of the fight against terrorism. Called "Marshalls Train", this operation "is implemented today, watch for major departures," said Colonel Ghislain Rety, head of the Office of Defense and National Security in the Directorate General of National Gendarmerie (DGGN). "They will travel every day, in trains running throughout the territory, randomly or in a more targeted manner depending on the state of the threat.The objective is to be effective and rebadure the population" added Ghislain Rety. "These members of the GIGN will mix among travelers in all discretion, they will be at least two by train," he added.

Armed and equipped with radio, they will be ready to intervene in case of terrorist attack considered as the "high end" and will not intervene for reasons of coverage, on the facts of small and medium delinquency. The operation, which was tested during the last quarter of 2017 on the SNCF network, is inspired by the "Air marshalls", these members of the security forces circulating incognito in airplanes in the United States or in France. To implement this system, the "train marshalls" of the GIGN and regional offices of the GIGN who will participate, have specifically trained to intervene in trains and have perfect their knowledge of the railway with SNCF.

"L failed attack by Thalys was the trigger "

If the GIGN trains regularly for these situations, the intervention of a" marshall train "in situ will be significantly different:" We have studied the configuration of the wagons The shots must be responsive and immediately accurate, "said Ghislain Rety. "The failed attack by Thalys was the trigger," said the colonel. On August 21, 2015, a carnage was narrowly avoided in a crowded Thalys Amsterdam-Paris when French, British and American travelers overpowered a heavily armed man who opened fire at Oignies (No -de-Calais). Two people were wounded before Ayoub El Khazzani, a 25-year-old Moroccan man reported to be a radical Islamist by the Spanish authorities, was neutralized

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