Mention rate, age of graduates, girls stronger than boys … All stats on the bac


BACK TO THE BAC – One week after the verdict of the writing and two days after the end of the catch-up orals, it is time to take stock of the bac 2018. Rate of mention by series or genre, average age of graduates … Here are the figures to remember from this session 2018, from our database of the results of the examination.

– Gilles Daniel

In total, there are 675,600 going on vacations with the baccalaureate in hand, or 88.3% of the 765,000 candidates who pbaded the exam this year. A success rate up 0.4 point from 2017, according to the figures released this Friday morning by the Ministry of Education, two days after the end of remedial orals.

While the rue de Grenelle also reported the success rate by series, it did not detail the list of mentions by series or genre, or the age of the new graduates. This is what we propose in this article, thanks to figures from our database of exam results, which includes the success or failure of 600,942 candidates.

It's a constant Throughout schooling, and it is true once again bac: overall, girls get better results than boys. Of the more than 600,000 candidates in our database, the 302,982 candidates are thus 91.04% to be admitted to the examination, against 86.02% for the 297,960 boys. An advantage that can be found by looking at the mention rates: 59.05% of girls have won one, which is 6 points higher than the percentage of their male counterparts (53%). The gap is narrowing however if we compare the mentions very well: there, a little more than one girl out of 10 can claim the supreme reward (10,88%), but the boys defend themselves with an honorable 7 , 81%. Note that the best average of this year, a record score of 21.33 / 20, was obtained in La Réunion by a 17-year-old high school student in the S sector.

Let's now look at the mention rates by sector. In the general series, the S, who are 91.90% to have validated their baccalaureate according to our figures, against 89.67% for the L and 90.19% for the ES, are also those who obtained the most mentions: only 34.68% are distributed with a lower average than the 12/20 necessary, a percentage well below those of the candidates of the literary bins (42.02%) and economic and social (44%). In the detail, the scientific candidates are 18,26% to be haloed with a mention very well, against 11,27% in L and 10,47% in ES.

The technological tank was also big suppliers of mentions. Especially for the STHR series (science and technology of the hotel and restaurant industry), where the candidates whose results are taken into account by our database are 59,63% to have obtained one, against 49,45 % in ST2S or 42.90% in STMG. On the other hand, there are fewer mentions than in the general fields: 5.49% in STHR, 2.12% in ST2S or 1.72% in STMG

How old are the graduates of this 2018 session? ? 17.91 years according to calculations from our database. It must be said that there is really no age to pbad the bac: if the candidates of 17 (191,587 listed) and 18 years (252,525) constitute the largest contingents, four candidates having won the famous sesame at the this session 2018 are 13 years old, six are 14 years old, one hundred and fourteen are 15 years old … And ten are 59 years old, two 60 years old, 61 years old … Note that the youngest bachelor of this 2018 session was born on June 20th 2005. He did not get a mention. On the other hand, at the other end of the age pyramid, the 71-year-old candidate, born on May 24, 1947, received the highest distinction. And this septuagenarian, a former teacher of clbadics who presented herself for the challenge exam, badured France Bleu that she had not even reviewed!

Gilles Daniel

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