Mercato: an agreement found between Barça and Adrien Rabiot? – Transfers 2018-2019 – Football


TRANSFERS – The adventure between Adrien Rabiot and PSG could quickly come to an end. According to the Spanish Sport newspaper, an agreement was reached between the player and Barça, who sent his leaders to Paris on Tuesday to negotiate the transfer.

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Barça is under reconstruction. At least, his midfield is currently under construction. Andrés Iniesta gone to Japan, Paulinho (re) gone to China … The Catalan club must activate on the transfer window to reinforce his midfield. After the arrival of the Brazilian Arthur, coming from Gremio, a new player could quickly land in Catalonia. And this is a certain … Adrien Rabiot, whose contract with the PSG expires in 2019.

To recruit the midfielder, Barça is in any case spent serious things. As revealed by Mundo Deportivo Eric Abidal, the new sports director, and Pep Segura, the general manager of the Blaugranas, went to Paris Tuesday to discuss with PSG. The two leaders were even spotted (photos in support) at Barcelona Airport when they returned from the capital. And obviously, this trip has borne fruit.

What will the PSG do?

According to information from Sport Abidal and Segura first met Rabiot's mother. And an agreement would have even been found between the two parties. If he signs at Barça, the player will receive a net salary of 600,000 euros / month, or 7.2 million euros per year. A sum that corresponds to his expectations, as revealed recently Paris United or France Football. As for the duration of his contract, it would be around five years.

From now on, the ball is in PSG's court. And the Parisian club is not in a simple situation. If he does not wish to separate from Rabiot, he must take into account the player's contract, which expires in 2019. In case of non-extension, the French international could be free to engage where he wants in January next. And for free. Obviously, this is a huge shortfall for the PSG staff. Moreover, we can not rule out a possible forcing of the player to leave, especially if he already agrees with Barça. Summer looks hot …

 Adrien Rabiot

Adrien Rabiot Getty Images

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