POLEMIQUE – This Wednesday morning on LCI, the Minister of Solidarities and Health Agnès Buzyn taxed the interim doctors of "mercenaries" of the hospital, who "take advantage of a system in tension" to practice too high prices , up to 3000 euros a day. Given the decree of the government that caps the price of temporary workers to 1400 euros, professionals threaten to boycott hospitals this summer. An "arm wrestling" is engaged.
Doctors "mercenaries" of hospitals, who "take advantage of a system in tension". It is with these words that the Minister of Solidarities and Health tapped the interim doctors this Wednesday morning in the broadcast The political guest on LCI. In question, the lack of numbers of doctors in French hospitals "because of the limitation of the numerus clausus for the training of doctors for thirty years," Agnès Buzyn.
Stuck for 4000 students admitted in the second year for decades, this number has increased to 9000 since 2005. A solution that will produce effects … but in the long term.
Meanwhile, the problem of interim doctors " who are charged between 2000 and 3000 euros a day", as noted by the minister, arises. An abuse according to this, which contributes to the public deficit of some hospitals, "which are often small hospitals in difficulty." This is also the reason why the government signed a decree on 1 January 2018 to cap the salary of interim doctors to 1404.05 euros gross 24-hour guard (or 58.50 euros per hour). Ceiling that will come down gradually to reach 1070 euros (44.60 euros per hour) in 2020.
In response to this wage ceiling, the National Union of Physicians replacing hospitals, was formed last March. In a statement, the organization denounces "voluntary caricatures on pay" of temporary workers. It defends a reasoned salary "in view of its constraints" – precariousness of the job, responsibility of the job and binding schedules and stresses that this salary has not been revalued for 17 years. The union has therefore launched a boycott of hospitals for the summer period, at a time when temporary workers are most in demand. The union has also drawn up a list of "hospitals applying the decree", practicing a price of less than 65 euros per hour (1560 euros the guard).
Some hospitals still pay their anesthesiologists more than 2000 euros for 24 hours Jean-Paul Ortiz, President of the Confederation of French Medical Syndicates
For Jean-Paul Ortiz, President of the Confederation of French Medical Syndicates ( CSMF), "if the Ministry has set a ceiling at 1404 euros, it is good that hospitals necessarily pay higher salaries to their interim," said the doctor. Even today, and despite the government decree, "some hospitals still pay their anesthetists more than 2000 euros for 24 hours", (84 euros per hour) he regrets. The salaries of the interim doctors are opaque "There is a generalized omerta, temporary workers will never admit their salaries, says Jean-Paul Ortiz, and hospitals agree to pay as much because otherwise they must put the key under the door". Indeed, without substitutes, especially in the summer, if the services of hospitals do not have a doctor, they are outlaws. "This mainly concerns the anesthesia and obstetrics departments, and sometimes the emergency doctors". Small hospitals are often the most concerned.
"The rates that the public hospital pays are much higher than what a substitute doctor in a private practice or private clinic would affect, compares Jean-Paul Ortiz.We suffered a real imbalance between the public and private, and this creates a disadvantage. " According to him, the replacement of a doctor in a private clinic for 24 hours runs between 800 and 1100 euros. What greet for the unionist the decree of January and "the regressive ceiling of 1404 euros this year and 1170 euros in 2020 seems honest because it aligns with our prices," he concludes.
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