Météo France maintains 3 departments on alert orange heat wave


The heat wave episode is not over yet. Three departments are kept in orange alert because of the heat wave that has already raged for several days, said Météo-France in its bulletin, Saturday, July 28.

The alert is raised in 18 departments but remains maintained in three other the Rhone Valley. These are the Ardèche, the Drôme and the Rhone while the meteorological organization evokes a "heat wave not remarkable but requiring special vigilance, especially for sensitive or exposed people."

Saturday morning, it falls between 17 and 20 degrees from the Hauts-de-France to the Ile-de-France. The temperatures remain higher on the Lyon region and the Rhone valley with 21 to 25 degrees.

Back to the top on Sunday

On the Île-de-France, the maximum Saturday afternoon will be down 10 degrees from Friday and will cap at 26 degrees. The buildings can still remain hot and the temperatures will be gradually rising in the coming days.

In the Lyons region, the maximum temperatures will rise on Saturday afternoon to around 29 degrees. On the Drôme and Ardèche, the maximum temperatures will reach 32 to 33 degrees.

From Sunday, the return of sunny weather will cause temperatures to rise again: 33 degrees in Lyon, 35 degrees in Montelimar, finding thus canicular levels. This hot spot will continue on Tuesday.

 Weather France
Weather France
Screenshot: Screenshot / Météo France

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