Météo-France: more thunderstorms on Occitanie, 7 departments in orange alert


A new stormy front is expected by Météo France on the Occitanie region Friday, July 20th. After several stormy pbadages that concerned the interior and the Pyrenean departments, sometimes with significant damage in recent days, the Mediterranean coast should not be spared this time.

Already storms in the Tarn and Aveyron

Météo-France has placed Friday morning 19 departments in orange alert for thunderstorms including 7 Occitanie: Gard, Lozere, Herault, Tarn, Aveyron, Aude and Ariège. Since this morning, moderate to fairly strong thunderstorms have already been circulating on the Tarn and Aveyron

Be vigilant until Saturday morning

It is in the afternoon of this Friday, July 20th that storms will form on the coast, but also in Lozère and also along the Pyrenees. The situation will strengthen at the end of the day on Hérault, Aude and Lozère. The night from Friday to Saturday should be hectic. On these departments, the first rains are expected from 14 hours. According to Météo France, the episode will end Saturday, July 21 in the morning.

 The situation forecast by Météo-France Friday at the end of the day / © Meteo-France
The situation forecast by Météo-France Friday at the end of the day / © Meteo-France

30 to 50 millimeters of water expected in less than an hour

On the east of Occitania, in the course of In the afternoon, new thunderstorms develop and circulate from south-west to north-east. They will be locally strong in the late afternoon. Rainfall totals could reach 30 to 50 mm locally, with heavy rainfall, sometimes falling in less than an hour.

Eclairs, hail and strong gusts of wind

We can also expect a strong electrical activity (lightning, thunder), locally hail, as well as strong gusts of wind, blowing around 80 kilometers / hour. The lull will be progressive and will arrive by the west in the evening.

Return of a better weather for the weekend

Small satisfaction all the same: after this new episode, the day of Saturday should be quieter in Occitanie, except for the north of the region concerned by some rains. Sunday, great sun on the coast, some clouds in the interior and a few drops on the Pyrenees and northern Occitania.

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