Methamsodium banned in France


The use of this substance in market gardening or horticulture represents a risk for human health and the environment, says ANSES.

The with AFP
• Updated

Pesticide application in a field in Cbadel, northern France, August 16, 2013.

The National Health Security Agency (ANSES) made its decision on Monday, November 5: pesticides based methamsodium are now banned in France. Their use by market gardeners and horticulturists – they are effective in combating "pests" such as soil fungi – had already been suspended until 31 January 2019 by a decree on 25 October.

Irritations of the eyes, the skin and the respiratory tract … More than eighty local residents and professionals have been poisoned in Maine-et-Loire and in Finistère, particularly near the lamb's lettuce crops. These phytopharmaceutical products are still authorized by the European Union until 2022.

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Seven hundred tons a year

They are used to clean the soil, usually in September and October. The product is buried there before the culture. The dose of use is between 300 and 1,200 liters per hectare, which represents nearly 700 tons used every year in France, explains the National Agency of sanitary security (ANSES) in its release.

The agency also recalls the obligation for professionals to declare any adverse effect related to the use of plant protection products, according to Article L. 253-8-1 of the Rural Code and sea fishing. Manufacturers have ten days to submit their comments.

"It will no longer be possible to sell or use these products. We do not give any grace period "said Françoise Weber, Deputy Director General of ANSES in charge of regulated products, Agence France-Presse (AFP). Existing stocks will be evacuated via specialized channels.

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Solutions other than methamsodium exist and are already widely used by farmers, but market gardeners insist on their constraints: solarisation, which consists in using the heat of the sun to disinfect the soil, is limited because of the climate in the Loire Valley. Atlantic, while steam disinfection is very greedy in terms of time and fuel.

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