Michael Blanc should return to France Saturday


The Frenchman Michael Blanc, arrested in Bali in 1999 with drugs and heavily convicted, is expected to return to France on Saturday, having spent 19 years in Indonesia, said his mother, adding that the date was not yet fixed

"In the final steps" . Since 2014, this cook from Haute-Savoie, now 45 years old and released from prison after 14 years, lives on parole in the capital Jakarta, with the ban on leaving the archipelago of Southeast Asia. Is until the expiry of his judicial review on Saturday. However, "we still have no official date of departure, we are in the final steps" with the Indonesian authorities, said Thursday the mother of Michael White, Helene Le Touzey.

"We must see all administrations , the date of 21 (day of the expiry of judicial review, ed) is not yet fixed, "she added. As soon as the administrative procedures are over, the mother will accompany her son to France: "no reason to wait," she said.

"Building a future". Indonesian law provides that foreign prisoners who have served their full sentence are deported to their country of origin. At the approach of this return to France, "I am very happy, very relieved, full of hope," said Hélène Le Touzey, glad that her son "will be able to build his future" by trying to find a job

Hashish in bottles . Michael Blanc was arrested at the international airport of the tourist island of Bali the day after Christmas in 1999, with 3.8 kilos of hashish in bottles. He claimed that a friend had entrusted him to transport them. The following year, he was sentenced to life imprisonment, narrowly escaping the death penalty.

A commuted sentence in 2009 . In 2009, he received a partial presidential pardon, his sentence being commuted to 20 years of imprisonment. His conditional release in 2014 precludes him from leaving Indonesia until the end of his sentence on July 21, 2017, and after another year of probation that ends Saturday, the day from which he should to be able to return to the country.

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