Microsoft introduces new dope builds to machine learning to avoid untimely reboots after updates


Microsoft announced the availability of the Windows 10 Insider Preview Build 17723 (RS5) for Insiders in Fast Rings and Build 18204 (19H1) for Insiders who opt for Skip Ahead.

in the future, the RS5 versions will come from the RS5_RELEASE branch. For Insiders who have chosen Skip Ahead, the 19H1 builds will continue to come from the RS_PRERELEASE branch. Insiders can see the name of the branch in the watermark at the bottom right of their desktop. Currently, the versions of these branches are substantially the same, which is why Microsoft publishes only one blog article for the two new versions. However, in the future, Microsoft will publish separate blog posts for each of them.

The schema below explains what Skip Ahead is.

Mixed Ralit

There are events that can annoy you when immersed in a captivating virtual experience. For example, you could:

  • want to take a quick look at someone nearby
  • want to take something (a glbad of milk, your phone, a keyboard, etc.); [19659006] need to find a surface to put your controllers on.

With these Builds, Microsoft announces that it is now possible to look in your physical environment through Flashlight (the flashlight) without having your helmet removed.

With the latest version of Windows Insider Program, you can at any time open a portal in your rel world via the Start menu, a button shortcut, or a voice command. This opens a low latency flow that goes through your camera and connects your controller. It's comfortable, intuitive and keeps you immersed, explained Donna Sakar and Brandon LeBlanc. Flashlight finally allows you to mix your physical and virtual realities.

Microsoft Edge Enhancements

New Microsoft Edge Group Strategies: The Microsoft Edge Team Introduces New Group Policies and New MDM Parameters for IT administrators to manage Microsoft Edge. New strategies include enabling / disabling full-screen mode, printing, bookmarks bar, and saving history; prevent certificate error overrides; configure the Home button and boot options; define the New tab page and the URL of the Home button and manage the extensions.

XSS Filter removed: Microsoft has decided to remove Microsoft Edge XSS Filter from the current version. Our customers remain protected by modern standards such as content security policy, which provides more powerful, powerful and secure mechanisms to protect against content injection attacks, with high compatibility between modern browsers.

Improving Your Updating Experience

Microsoft has stepped up tests to improve the experience of updating with Windows 10. Notably, a snooze button to avoid an inconvenient reboot. The user also has the possibility to indicate his active hours, preventing a restart of the device during this time, unless authorized by the user. To enable this feature, click on Start> Settings> Update & Security and click on Edit Active Hours.

Obviously, not everything has been solved and Microsoft continues to look for the right formula. the occasion of the spread of the builds 17723 and 18204 of the prversion of Windows 10, it was announced a new system more adaptive and proactive in the logic of the updates.

It is thus alluded to the machine learning and the training a predictive model that should accurately predict the best time to restart a device in order to update.

Have you ever stopped what you were doing, or waited for your computer to start because the device was updated at the wrong time? We've heard you, and to alleviate this suffering, if you have a pending update, we've updated our boot logic to use a new, more adaptive and proactive system. We have developed a predictive model that can accurately predict the right moment to restart the device. That is, we will not only check if you are using your device before restarting it, but we will also try to predict whether you have just left the device to get a cup of coffee and come back soon afterwards. 19659002] How accurate is this model?

Microsoft ensures that it is used on internal peripherals. The company then saw promising results during the deployment. Due to the nature of its architecture, we are able to update the model with minimal downtime based on our knowledge of its performance. All this thanks to our cloud infrastructure.

However, if you notice that your device is restarting at the wrong time, you have the possibility to send an error message in the comment center with the details of your experiment (for example by explaining that you are going to have a cup of coffee for 5 minutes and the system has launched the update). Your returns will help to better shape this model and thus adjust its accuracy.

Source: Microsoft

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