Molotov would like to be redeemed … by Orange?


Molotov, the French Startup for video streaming, is looking for a buyer. Operators would be interested, including Orange, but the asking price could be a significant drag.

Earlier this year, Molotov announced great ambitions and wanted to storm the European market with 2 million active users in its basket. Six months later, the situation is perhaps not so rosy and it is time to think about financing.

According to BFMBusiness, Molotov wanted to raise 50 million euros from investment funds, but did not apparently failed his bet and is now turning to other actors. Liberation evokes discussions with TF1, M6 and France Télévisions, but without success and BFM announces that the file is currently in the hands of French telecom operators, " including Orange ".

A difficult file [19659005] Molotov has been highly successful and has many users, but the startup seems to be struggling to monetize that. Indeed, the service is essentially free and only 6000 to 7000 subscribers would have turned to the pay solution according to the Opinion, whereas it would take 500 to 750 000 to reach the financial balance.

Also, Molotov does not share not win in its financing battle, especially as the expected valuation would be 100 million euros. A figure which would be at the origin of the refusal of big chains. The competition is all the harsher as the latter have just announced Salto, another service of streaming different certainly, but partly competitor.

Remains to be seen if this very difficult file which does not reports that very little (the announced turnover of 2016 is shyly approaching 80,000 euros) could still attract an operator like Orange who already offers its own solutions of streaming video.

To read on FrAndroid: How to watch TV on your smartphone or tablet?

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