Monaco: further hearing of Russian billionaire Rybolovlev


"-"Monaco: further hearing of Russian billionaire Rybolovlev
AFP / File

The hearing of the Russian boss of AS Monaco Dmitri Rybolovlev, placed in custody Tuesday as part of the resounding case of alleged fraud against his former Swiss art dealer Yves Bouvier, resumed Wednesday morning in Monaco, has been learned from a source close to the case.

Rybolovlev, who was detained on Tuesday, spent the night in police custody, the source said.

This new hearing takes place while the club whose Russian billionaire is the owner and the president is in the doldrums sports: 19th in Ligue 1, the ASM recorded Tuesday night the heaviest defeat in its history in European Cup ( 0-4 against Brugge FC), and is already eliminated from the Champions League.

"The facts for which (Mr. Ryboloelev) is heard are based (…) on the exploitation of the mobile phone of his lawyer", said yesterday in a statement Me Hervé Temime and his colleague Thomas Giaccardi, the lawyers of the Russian, who denounced Tuesday a violation of the secrecy of the instruction and called to respect the presumption of innocence.

The two lawyers have constantly denounced an infringement of the secrecy of the lawyer's correspondence: the laptop Tetiana Bersheda had been seized in the medico-judicial battle between Mr. Rybolovlev to Mr. Bouvier, the first accusing the second for having cheated her of a billion dollars, with the complicity of their common friend Tania Rappo, by applying exorbitant margins when selling paintings.

In support of this complaint for fraud filed early 2015, Me Bersheda had itself produced a registration of Ms. Rappo, challenged by it.

The investigating judge then had all the messages contained in the telephone removed, which Mr. Rybolovlev's lawyers consider illegal. "An appeal to the Monaco revision court is ongoing in this regard," they said Tuesday.

Published in the French press, text messages from Bersheda's phone made a scandal in Monaco, appearing to demonstrate that Mr. Rybolovlev would have benefited from the apparent good relations of his lawyer with the leaders of the Monegasque police and with Philippe Narmino, then guard of Seals of the Principality, to trap Mr. Bouvier.

From the status of plaintiff and accuser, Mr. Rybolovlev, boss of AS Monaco, the football club champion of France 2017, pbaded in October 2017 to that of mis en cause, charged for "complicity of violation of the right to respect to privacy ".

The exploitation of Mr. Bersheda's phone had also led to the opening of an investigation against X for trading in influence and the early departure of the Minister of Justice Philippe Narmino.

07/11/2018 13:05:46 –
Nice (AFP) –
© 2018 AFP

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