Moon eclipse July 27, 2018: how to follow it live on Youtube?


The lunar eclipse of July 27, 2018 will also be visible live on YouTube. Several channels will broadcast the phenomenon in real time for all those who can not see it otherwise. Here is a selection of live to follow.

 eclipse moon

A total lunar eclipse will be observable in France during the evening of July 27, 2018. A rare phenomenon that will not happen again until 2035. It all starts at 7:15 pm and the phase will finish completely at 1:30. But it is between 21:30 and 23:13 that it will be necessary to be attentive and not miss anything, it is at this period that one will have full view. The moon will then appear red, a breathtaking spectacle. This will be the perfect time to photograph the lunar eclipse with your smartphone.

Moon eclipse: here's how to follow it live on Youtube

Unfortunately, you can not (or will not) necessarily observe it from your own eyes: unavailability, vagaries of the weather … We recall that it is not necessary to wear safety glbades for a lunar eclipse. On the other hand, they are indispensable for a solar eclipse. But for those who will not have the opportunity to attend the event in the open, it is possible to follow live on YouTube through more channels. That of NASA of course, but also of science media.

For more information on the total lunar eclipse of July 27, 2018, you can consult our file. You will be able to learn what a lunar eclipse really is, or where to observe it. And to watch in real time on YouTube, just start playing one of the direct below:

Live from NASA


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