more and more controllers to "radar"!


Without much success so far. No doubt it will be necessary to wait for an air accident before taking, finally, measures that should have been for ages.

Of course, among the indispensable measures advocated by the honorable senator, are the " Modernization of Air Navigation Systems ". An absolute priority, insists Capo-Canellas, which is not dead and I quote an excerpt from the report:

" The obsolescence of DSNA's air navigation systems explains the difficulties in providing sufficient capacity to airlines. As a result, the cost of maintaining aging equipment in operating conditions is increasing dangerously.

It has exploded 340% in 15 years and now represents 136 million euros a year. DSNA is aware of the problem and has embarked on ambitious programs to modernize its systems, for which it is investing around 135 million euros a year.

While the total cost of its six main projects now exceeds 2 billion euros, only one of them has reached this stage, the others multiplying delays and additional costs.

The 4-Flight program, the heart of the modernization of DSNA systems whose cost has increased in recent years from 500 million euros to 850 million euros, is the subject of very difficult negotiations with Thales and saw its commissioning postponed several times. While originally announced for 2015, it is now expected in 2023.

Strikes by air traffic controllers are the third major problem facing DSNA, since French air traffic controllers are alone responsible for 67% of strike days during the 2004-2016 period. air traffic control in Europe and 96% of the delays caused by these strikes .

Moreover, the productivity of the French air traffic controllers is too low because of a work organization that is no longer adapted to the characteristics of the traffic ".

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