More space for scooters, American bombs and retirees


An electric scooter user on the streets of Santa Monica in the United States. – Robyn Beck / AFP

Hey, but you know these are my last hits of the week? There are weeks like this, where we take ahahah holidays! (But I will miss you)

An attempt at emancipation? MEPs voted last week in committee an amendment to modulate the increase in the CSG for retirees according to their level of income. This text, carried by elected officials of the Republic in motion was voted … Without the approval of the government and caused a stir in the majority. The LREM deputy from Vaucluse who drafted the amendment, Jean-François Cesarini, explains that he wanted to propose a "fairer text" for the poorest pensioners.
To read there.

This is a thorny issue that arises more and more as sales explode …. How to manage electric personal transport devices (EDP)? These scooters, e-skates, monoroues, gyropods and other hoverboards that try to hit the road, bike paths and sidewalks.

That's the whole problem. These vehicles are in tune with the times, offering new solutions of soft mobility alternatives to the car. There is no question, therefore, of banning them, as Elisabeth Borne reminded the National Assembly on Tuesday during questions to the government.
More info on the subject here.

It is not clear yet if all these alerts are related, but the timing seems to indicate it. In 48 hours, five potentially explosive devices were sent to US political figures close to the Democratic Party, including Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama, and CNN on Wednesday. At 13 days of the US legislative elections, the tension has risen a notch in a political climate more than ever polarized. To relieve the pressure, the White House has strongly condemned "ignoble" acts.
We tell you more there.

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