More than 24 hours after his spectacular escape, Redoine Faïd is still not found


VIDEOS – With the help of three accomplices, the convict sentenced for the death of a policewoman escaped by helicopter on Sunday. Nearly 3000 men are mobilized to hunt him down.

This is the king of the "beautiful" and colorful caval. Already in the 1990s, Redoine Faïd went from Switzerland to Israel for three years to escape the police after his first robberies. A small foretaste of his record.

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On Sunday morning, the robber, aged 46, this time escaped by helicopter his prison in Réau (Seine-et-Marne), with the complicity of three men armed with Kalashnikov badault rifles and Molotov badtails. The operation, which took place around 11:20, lasted only "a few minutes" and did not cause any injuries or hostages, according to the Prison Administration (PA).

In the middle of the morning, two men arrived at an aerodrome in Lognes, in the Seine-et-Marne department where the prison is located, for an air baptism that they booked a fortnight later. early. Armed with handguns, they take the pilot hostage and force him to fly to Melun, about thirty kilometers to the south. There, they recover a third accomplice, masked, before flying to the prison of Réau, about ten kilometers, according to a source close to the investigation.

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At 11:28, the helicopter, a beige Alouette II, "does not really land, but remains in a light flyover" above the main courtyard of the prison, without ropes of protection, will detail later, during a visit, the Minister of Justice Nicole Belloubet. The main courtyard, the only one not to be equipped with an anti-helicopter net, is not accessible to the prisoners. The "commando very well prepared" had "probably spotted the scene through drones," she says. They then released fumigens in the yard before cutting with the disqueuse a door on the right, then two grids giving on a corridor where are the parlors. Redoine Faid was there with one of his brothers. In a prison, the parlor is always an area where security is fragile. It is from this same place that Faïd managed to escape from the prison of Lille, in 2013.

A little later, the Alouette II helicopter is found in Gonesse about sixty kilometers north of the jail. At this place, a fourth accomplice was waiting for the team driving a black Renault Mégane. After beating the pilot, who is abandoned in shock, the men attempt to burn the helicopter with a Molotov badtail. They flee and then abandon their car in the parking lot of the O'Parinor shopping center in Aulnay-sous-Bois, north of Paris, just off the A1 motorway, for another vehicle.

"We are ordered not to fire on an aircraft and the agents in the establishment are not armed."

Jérôme Nobecourt, regional manager of the union FO penitentiary

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The escapee's brother was placed in custody. The pilot of the helicopter was taken to the hospital.

On Sunday, 2900 police and gendarmes were mobilized to locate the fugitive. The Paris prosecutor's office opened a flagrant investigation of the leaders of organized gangs and criminals' escapes entrusted to the central administration of the judicial police.

The number of guards on duty in the prison was "standard" during the escape, specifies Jérôme Nobecourt, regional manager of the union FO penitentiary. "But we are ordered not to fire on an aircraft and the agents in the establishment are not armed." For Jean-François Forget, Secretary General of Ufaf-Unsa, in a prison of this type with five to six different detention regimes, "the protection systems do not match the level of danger of some of the big bandits". For him, the 200 to 250 terrorists and "big bandits" currently incarcerated in France should be locked in special institutions.

Idoine of the delinquent apprentices of housing estates HLM and the pros of the deflection of vans, Redoine Faïd is nicknamed "The Writer" by the policemen. He wrote a book of repentance ( Robber, cities of great banditry ) in 2010 and had toured TV shows.

"He always hid his game"

Very inspired by cinema, this child of a large family Creil (Oise) told how he had robbed a bank as in Reservoir Dogs or armored vans by wearing hockey masks, as in Heat. Charismatic, elegant, mischievous, the man affirmed on the plateaux that he would not fall again in the world of the big banditism and that he did not want to make an apology of it. He said he found a commercial job and said he wanted to devote himself to his child. Not very credible … For the same year, May 20, 2010, a group of robbers, launched in a crazy race on the highway, fired on the police and injured drivers. Redoine Faid was sentenced on appeal in April 2018 to 25 years imprisonment for the failed robbery that claimed the life of a municipal police officer. He was also sentenced twice to the badizes in 2017: 10 years imprisonment for his escape from the prison of Lille in 2013 and 18 years in prison for the attack of an armored van in the Pas-de-Calais in 2011. He appealed these two convictions.

On April 13, 2013, he escaped in half an hour from Lille-Sequedin Prison, taking four supervisors as hostages, later used as human shields. He had exploded five doors before being recovered by car. His run had lasted a few weeks. "He's never in conflict with the staff, but always be wary," said a prison supervisor, who worked with him. "In one corner of his mind, he never lost the idea of ​​escaping. Behind his manners – he's a very polite person – he always hid his game. "The elements of psychiatric expertise describe him in one of his trials in 2016 as a" social predator "who" uses the qualities of his personality, charm, charisma, intelligence, courage, reactivity to control others and obtain what he wants. "

See also – Great Feasts # 2 – Redoine Faïd: a spectacular escape

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