Mounir Mahjoubi poses with his companion in Paris Match


This is a first. The Secretary of State in charge of digital has agreed to pose with his companion in front of the goal of the newspaper Paris Match.

Two months after coming out on social networks, the Secretary of State Digital Poster this time, with his companion in the new issue of the magazine Paris Match, dated July 18.

"I am perfectly at peace and very in love"

This is the first time that a minister poses with his partner for a photo shoot. "I am perfectly at peace and very in love", entrusted to the magazine Mounir Mahjoubi. The Secretary of State in charge of digital shares his life with Mickael Jozefowicz for 13 years

"If our example can free speech, then I will be proud", explained the elderly man 34 years old. Later in the article, he explains that he himself was a victim of homophobia during his youth. "Insults and slaps, I know," he reveals, calling "vigilance" against discrimination against same-bad couples.

May 18, on the occasion of the International Day Against Homophobia and Transphobia, Mounir Mahjoubi announced his homobaduality on Twitter.

Homophobia is an evil that eats the Society, invades the colleges and high schools, contaminates families and lost friends. Worse, it haunts the minds of homobaduals, and sometimes forces us, often, to adapt and lie to avoid hatred, to live. # IDAHOBIT2018

– Mounir Mahjoubi (@mounir) May 17, 2018

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